"We know," they say in unison and laugh.

"So, how was the scavenger hunt?"

Nora raises an eyebrow. "Scavenger hunt?"

"Yeah, you know the one we all went on as groups of fours?"

"Oh! You mean that? Now I get it. Wait, didn't Ben tell you?" Nora asks

"Tell me what?"

Nora stifles a laugh and looks in the other direction. She whispers to herself, and I catch the word 'her' twice.

"Since Nora's busy, I'll tell you. FYI, I was also shocked when I heard about it, but anyway. Schools normally have this rule that if you're going on a trip, it has to do with educational purposes. But this particular school has seemed to find a way around that particular rule. If you haven't noticed on the map, there is a very tiny text on the back that says, 'Go and have fun and take at least a picture of something historical or cultural in the city'. They actually meant that we could explore and hang out a little, so it doesn't seem that we came for school because we didn't. The school thought it would be lovely to make it a getaway. In the end, the group usually slips up and goes on their way, or they meet each other and, you know, just hang out." Laura explained, and my jaw dropped. Is that why the couple that was with us was so eager to get away?

"But what about the golden ticket?"

"Golden ticket?" Nora asks after coming back from her high.

"Yeah, we got a golden ticket after completing the hunt."

"Huh, something like that doesn't normally happen. If a group actually goes for the scavenger hunt, then they might get a prize, and it usually ends up being candy, and yeah, from your face, I know you can't but agree," Nora says, and that's when I notice I've been grimincing. But you can't blame me; after going through mental and physical exercise, who would want just a piece of candy? No wonder the scavenger ended up being discouraging, and everyone started going their way.

"Then, why did we get a golden ticket?" I ask, and Nora shrugs. "I don't know why, but you should ask the teacher what it means."

"Ben has the ticket; he said that he was going to ask the teacher what it meant and text me later."

And as if my words brought him forth, my phone chimed. I picked it up and saw the text from Ben.



Ben: Hey Crystal! 😊 Guess what?

We totally crushed it on the scavenger.

hunt! 🎉 the ticket we scored

is taking us to a beach resort! 🏖️✨

Can you believe it? I'm beyond

pumped! 😄 I can't wait to kick

back, soak up some rays, and

maybe even get into a little mischief

together 😉 Ready for some adventure?


The phone drops out of my hands and lands on my lap. Laura picks up my phone to read the message, and Nora peeks over her shoulder. They read the text, and their heads swiveled to me so fast that I'm surprised I didn't hear a crack.

"Beach resort?" Nora asks

"Mischief," Laura asks, well more suggestive with her eyebrow raised.

"Yes, and no! I'm pretty sure he just means playing a few pranks on each other... or something like that," I say all too quickly.

They just stare at me, and I think of a way to change topics.

"Um... so... Why do you think Ben didn't tell me about the scavenger thing?"

They blink at me and shake their heads. "No, just no," Laura says, planting her hand on her forehead. "Dramatic much," I mumble, and she gives me a death glare.

"Ok, ok, what about the information that Anna gave us?" I ask

"I think we should take it to the guys and come up with a plan; they might actually help us come up with anything better than just being us three," Nora says.

Laura and I nod our heads as she picks up the phone and calls Edward. "Hey Edward, could you get the guys and we meet up?" a moment of silence. "Yeah, Laura, Crystal, and I will be at the resort's cafe; just get Ben and Lucas." Another moment of silence. "Okay, see you soon. Bye," she says as she hangs up the phone. "They will meet us in five minutes, so we should get going now." Nora says and is about to get off my bed when "Hold up," Laura's voice stops her. "You forgot," Laura says.

"Forgot... what exactly?" Nora asks, causing Laura to roll her eyes as she pulls out three bracelets from her pocket. The bracelets were gold with three hearts. Each bracelet had a heart filling a specific section, while the other two remained hollow.

Laura passes one bracelet to both of us. "Right, the bracelets we bought," Nora says, a hint of excitement coating her words.

"Friendship bracelets," I murmur as Laura and Nora help put them on each other, and then Luara helps me put mine on.

"They're beautiful," I breathe, and they grin.

"I know, I saw them," Laura says.

"And I bought them." Nora says

"Whatever, let's get going. The guys could be waiting for us, and when we come back, we have to help Crystal, here, pick up some sexy beach attire," she says with a roll of her eyes and then a smirk on her lips.

"Oh, I can't wait." Nora giggles like it was her crush who had just asked her out on a date.

"Why does it need to be... sexy?" I nervously ask, and Laura just stares at me blankly.

"You know what? I won't dignify that question with an answer; now let's go. We've got a plan to plan." She says she is getting off my bed and skipping to the door. We follow her, and she opens it wide for us. "After you, my sisters," she says with a bright smile, causing us to chuckle. "Why, thank you. Mademoiselle," we say as she locks the door behind us and we go on our way.

My Annoying Yet Possessive Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now