"Well I don't have anything to be anxious knowing you can ghost everyone for me," Ishan chuckled.

"You see I have been always in love with you so I don't care about anything when it comes to you," Shubman shrugged nonchalantly.

"Okay Mr Lover boy, but let's get going now? I don't want to miss the flight," Ishan shook his head.

"Ofcourse your highness, whatever you say." Shubman replied putting on his seat belt and drove to the airport while they talked about how they will miss each other.


"You sure you have everything?"

"Shubman stop, you have asked it nth times now. I have everything," Ishan sighed taking his stuff and going towards the line.

"Wait, are you sure you are not forgetting anything?" Shubman asked and Ishan groaned.

"You tell me, what did I forget?" He stared at Shubman with a clipped expression.


Shubman smothered his face with kisses. Ishan was taken aback at the sudden feeling but leaned in after a second.

He gave a peck on his lips at last pulling away with a smug smile.

"Now you have got everything," He hummed.

"You are unbelievable, why did you do that here?"

"Didn't you wanted to give me a goodbye kiss? I just did what you wanted,"

"But we are in public," Ishan said pointing at the strangers who were staring at them, some even recording them.

"I don't care about others. What my babe wants, my babe gets."

Ishan couldn't help the blush forming on his cheeks.


Shubman thought he would be okay without Ishan.

He had spent months without seeing Ishan before so he would be okay if he won't get to see Ishan now as well.

But this time he couldn't.

It had been 2 weeks since Ishan left to his home. Shubman had been missing him too much, good thing was that Ishan also missed him. They have been videocalling at night everyday.

They both told about everything which happened. Like how Shubman told him his father sent divorce paper to her mother after a week telling her either to stop this drama and come back or he is going to give her divorce.

Mrs Gill sent him back the divorce paper with her signature on it.

This resulted in constant 3 days of fights from their families telling her not to do it at this age. Everyone yapped on her about how wrong she was doing. Nobody questioned Mr Gill that had ticked Shubman and Shahneel.

That's why after 2 weeks, they were finally in their new home, away from all the relatives and Mr Gill.

Shubman and Shahneel had to use their savings, but they were happy now. Today only they had moved in. Final touches were still left and they had a lot more furniture still left to buy but they were ready to move in.

Shubman was showing his house to Ishan through video call right now. The house was pretty big and the thing Ishan liked the most was the wallframes on hallway. It was filled with pictures of Shahneel and Shubman. A few with Shubman, Shahneel and Mrs Sharma as well.

"And this is our room," Shubman said showing his room.

"Woah it's so big,"

"I know, it's the master bedroom. Neel wanted it first but Mom said I am going to bring you here soon enough so we are going to have the master bedroom. You should have been here to see Neel di's face," Shubman snorted.

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