Chapter 59

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"I am feeling so hungry I could eat a horse," Shahneel huffed out sitting on the dining table.

"Ah don't remind, I miss horse meat," Shubman muttered.

His family looked at him comically.

"What? Horse meat is common in France and Italy. I have tried it and it's tasty."

"Why are you my brother?" Shahneel made a yuck face.

Shubman snickered ready to give back a snarky comment but stopped noticing Ishan isn't around.

"Where is Ishan?" He asked instead of continuing his banter.

"He is upstairs, he wasn't feeling too well." His mother responded.

"What happened?" Shahneel asked getting up.

"Neel sit down, he is fine. He was just feeling a bit tired so he is resting." Mr Gill said.

"But he should atleast something before sleeping. I will go and check on him real quick?" Shubman asked biting his lip.

"I know you are worried for your friend Shubman but you can't just walk off the from the dining table. Remember your manners both of you. I am not telling you both to not worry but go after having dinner?" Mr Gill hummed and Shubman nodded his head dejectedly.

If Ishan didn't felt well then he could have told Shubman.

But Dad said he was just tired, well their day was quite chaotic as well so Shubman understood why he was feeling tired.

Without Ishan, Shubman didn't even felt like eating anything. But if he won't finish his dinner then he wouldn't be able to get up and go to him.

So with a pout he tried to finish his dinner a little bit more quick than usual.


"Ishu," Shubman called out while entering his room.

Ishan was laying down on the bed. Shubman laid down beside him as well.

"Baby," Shubman muttered turning him around only to find him asleep with tear stained eyes.

Shubman gently wiped away tear stains from Ishan's cheeks and kissed his forehead.

It pained him to see Ishan like this but he didn't wanted to wake him up. So he just held him close petting his hair.

If Ishan was feeling troubled then he could have told him. Shubman would have helped him. But Ishan is again like always just keeping things to himself.

There were two knocks on his door before his sister entered inside his room.

"What happened to Ishan?" She asked walking inside.

"Dunno, he is sleeping. Maybe he was too tired," Shubman hummed.

"Then you should go and sleep as well, you guys have interview tomorrow. Can't risk those dark circles," She replied.

Shubman nodded his head.

"Why are you here though?" He asked.

"Just wanted to check on Ishan and make sure everything is fine," she shrugged.

"You saw him, now you can go." Shubman replied.

"Rude much, forgetting about your own sister when you got a boyfriend huh." Shahneel shook her head.

"Well technically, all I wanted was a boyfriend. I never asked for a sister, but here we are." Shubman snorted.

"You bitch," Shahneel grumbled taking a pillow, ready to hit on Shubman.

"Wait wait, Ishan is sleeping. Don't disturb him," Shubman pointed at his boyfriend who was asleep in his arms.

"Be grateful he is here to save your sorry ass. I don't want to wake him up so I am going. But beware tomorrow your sleeping beauty won't be able to save you," She said pinching his arm.

Shubman hissed glaring at her. She smirked going out of the room.


Ishan stirred waking up. He opened his eyes only to stare at Shubman who was already staring at him.

"You know staring is an offense," Ishan murmured.

"So? Will you arrest me officer? Handcuff me for this crime?" Shubman gave a cheeky smile.

"You are getting bold every minute, bring back my shy Shubman." Ishan rolled his eyes.

"I can give you a better reason for rolling your eyes,"

"Oh my god Shubi stop!" Ishan put a hand on his mouth.

Shubman pecked his palm only for Ishan to put it down while giving a disgusting look.

"What has gotten into you?" He scrunched his nose.

"Dunno? Maybe it's just side effects of loving you" Shubman shrugged.

"Then you should stay away from me buddy. I can't risk you getting insane," Ishan chuckled.

"I am already a psycho. Only your love can fix me now," Shubman snorted.

"Oh yeah? Should I give you some medication then?" Ishan raised his eyebrows.

Shubman nodded eagerly pulling Ishan closer by his waist.

Ishan snickered taking Shubman's face in his hands. He moved closer while Shubman closed his eyes in anticipation puckering his lips.

'I am just a dad who wants the best for my son.'

Shubman furrowed his eyebrows when he didn't got a kiss. He opened his eyes only to see Ishan frozen midway.

"Ishu?" He asked slightly tapping Ishan.

"Huh-" Ishan jolted looking at Shubman.

"What happened?"

'I don't want my son to turn into a disgrace for the society. Is it too much to ask for?'

"N-nothing, I am just tired. Let's sleep?" Ishan bit his lip.

"You are lying," Shubman deadpanned.

"No I am not lying. I am seriously tired and besides it's late night. We should be sleeping,"

"Stop lying. Tell me what happened? When I came earlier I saw you asleep with tear stained eyes. You cried yourself to sleep Ish, tell me why are you suddenly so gloomy?"

"No you are getting it all wrong. I wasn't crying, it was just- just..."


"Just missing my family, yea I was missing my family." Ishan muttered.

"Ish, did anyone said anything? You can tell me whatever it is." Shubman said.

"Yeah your dad told me to stay away from you,"


"Pfft look at your face. I was kidding. It's seriously nothing, if anything will happen then I will tell you meri jaan."


"Han pakka"


"Promise, you little kid"

Ishan had crossed his first two fingers.


Man just let my exams finish then I will give so many updates, promishh

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