Chapter 29

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Sorry for not updating ... I accidentally deleted this chapter and had to write it all over again


Everyone were quietly doing their breakfast unlike the other days which used to be chaotic as hell.

"Bhaiya I want something." Ishan said and everyone looked up at him, even Shubman.

"What?" They all asked.

"Some fun" Ishan deadpanned.

"Let me call the waiter- wait what?" Shubman raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, you all are being so quiet and gloomy. Why are you all acting like this?" Ishan asked looking at all of them slowly.

"Ishu it's just we all are a little bit shaken up. What if Naman was not there to save you? We don't want to think anything bad." Rishabh spoke.

"And what if after saving you Naman decided to kidnap you himself?" Shubman said.

"Why are you after him? He saved our Ishu we should be thankful instead." Surya sighed.

"For real bhai, I haven't even thanked him yet and Shubi you are already doubting his intentions." Ishan spoke.

"He doesn't seem like a nice person to me." Shubman scoffed.

"Look who is talking." Ishan snorted.

"What did I do?" Shubman furrowed his eyebrows.

"You do inappropriate things to me." Ishan glared at him.

Rohit spat water on Virat.

"What the fuck?" He looked at them.

Virat glared at Rohit before grabbing the napkin. Rohit looked at him apologetically.

"What the heck are you saying?" Shubman widened his eyes.

"Ohoo shubman getting naughty huh" Rishabh wiggled his eyebrows.

"Kya yar Shubi chance pe dance mar liya" Siraj chuckled.

"When did I do anything inappropriate?" Shubman asked.

"You touched my butt at night"

Virat spat water at Rohit.

"You did it intentionally to take revenge." Rohit huffed.

"No I was drinking water and definitely not ready to know Shubman molest Ishan" Virat shrugged.

"I do not molest him" Shubman protested.

"You touch his butt everynight" Surya snorted.

"Well Ishan's ass is kinda tempting, we get you Shubi" Rishabh said.

"For real, boy got more cake than the girls." Hardik joined.

"But I don't touch his ass everynight." Shubman whined.

"Liar liar pants on fire. You just said you touched my butt yesterday. " Ishan spoke.

"Bro he was just almost kidnapped yesterday, couldn't you keep your horny self in check for just one night." Hardik punched Shubman's shoulder.

"I was just cuddling with him." Shubman explained.

"I don't touch Surya's butt while hugging him in sleep." Rishabh retorted.

"Weren't you taught good and bad touch in school Shubi?" Virat snickered.

"You also touch my crotch every time." Shubman looked at him.

"Okay you got me there," Virat muttered.

"Shubi is taking all the lessons from his idol." Hardik commented and everyone laughed at that.

"Ju-" Ishan was saying but his phone rang in between. He took his phone out furrowed his eyebrows when seeing his dad called him.

"Excuse me" He muttered walking out. Shubman started at him untill he was out of sight.


"Papa?" Ishan whispered.

"Ishan what do you think of yourself huh? You do realise that you have not even started your career yet and your each move matters." His father's voice boomed.

Not even starting with any greetings? Or asking how has he been?

"What happened dad?" Ishan asked.

"You getting irresponsible is what happened. You have asia cup finals tomorrow and here you were partying in a pub yesterday evening." His dad scoffed.

"Yesterday? What party?" Ishan furrowed his eyebrows.

"You should be knowing what party. Your team was practicing hard but here you were getting drunk as hell in a club. Is that what you want to do for the rest of your life? Partying your ass off while your friends will flourish their career and be successful in their life?"

"Dad I am seriously not understanding anything. I mever went to any club since the moment I landed Sri Lanka." Ishan replied.

"Look at you lying so easily. Is that why I worked so hard to send you there only for you to lie to me?"

"Dad I am not lying, trust me." Ishan whispered.

"Ishan if you are not lying then what was the video huh? You were drinking like crazy meanwhile all your teammates were practicing hard." His dad scoffed.

"But dad I never drank or partied yesterday."

"Oh really, let me send you the video then tell me if it's you or not." His dad grunted before sending him the video.

Ishan clicked on the video to see a morphed video of him drinking like crazy, then his teammates practicing on the ground without him there, probably the practice of yesterday evening, and then again his morphed video of partying. Then the video of him feeking a bit dizzy and Shubman giving him medicine with water.

Yeah while getting up for breakfast he felt a bit dizzy but that was just for a little while. How did his dad got this video?

"Ishan" His dad's voice bombarded and he flinched. Oh yeah, he was still on call with his dad.

"Dad do you even trust me?" Ishan whispered.

"Ishu I do trust you but not in this matter. Remember when you got into an accident when you were 16 years old because you were drunk? How can I not think like that" His dad muttered.

"Dad if I will say the video is not mine will you trust me?"

"Was it morphed? The whole video was morphed and you were practicing yesterday? " His dad scoffed.

"The first clips is morphed dad...the second and third is not morphed but-"

"Stop with your excuses Ishan kishan. You are there to focus on the game and do better so that you can win. But no here you are again with those damn lies and excuses. If they didn't let you play in tomorrow's match because of your stupidity then don't even think about coming home." His dad uttered and the phone was cut.

Ishan looked at the screen.

Ofcourse it was his stupidity that he decided to fool around. His dad was right, if he didn't went out and practiced with them then his whole day would not be wasted.

His dad was right it's his own stupidity that get him into troubles.


We won woohoo 😏😏
2-0 against Australia
Ab dil ko sukoon mil rha hai finally 😭😭

Brooo Rinku scored 31 runs in just 9 balls. I was like dayum papi.

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