"It doesn't matter, hm?" I look at Everest as he picks up the trash from the presents. "Right." He coldly says as I look at Kiana. "Anything else?" She remembers something as she stands up. "Yeah, come to the garage." I raise my eyebrows as I walk towards the garage, seeing the now green camo wrapped Jeep next to a green one. "My favorite color is green, yours is blue. I thought this would be a good match?" I smile as I begin crying. "I fucking love you so much." I hug her tightly as I run over to the car. "You even got the shade right.." she smiles as I wipe my tears.

"Best birthday ever." I walk back over to her as the two men wait at the door for us in suits. "Oh, and you have a birthday dinner. Then we'll probably go to the beach." Oh my god. "Thank you, Kiana."

"Of course, anytime." She smiles as we hurry to the black SUV, getting in as they get in after us, driving to the dinner. Kiana fixes my hair as I fix her makeup, taking turns to make sure we look good. We arrive as we step out, walking inside the lobby as I look around. It's beautiful.

We take our seats after about 15 minutes waiting, our server coming soon to get our orders. My hand is placed on the table as the waiter looks at me, his hand placed on-top of mine. Kiana rubs my back as she looks at Everest who looks at his brother to distract himself. I order my food as Elias reaches over to take Kiana's hand once the waiter takes her order.

The waiter looks at Elias before he raises an eyebrow, letting go of Kianas hand. I laugh as he walks away, Everest muttering in Spanish with his brother as he grows more irritated. I brush my hand over Everest's as I walk to the bathroom, Everest following me as we step away from everyone's sight.

"What's wrong?" I ask we I lift myself up onto the water fountain, taking a sip of it as he stares at me. "Elle you know why." I smile at him as I slip off the fountain, getting on my tippy toes. "You, mister. Have nothing to worry about." I kiss his neck as I walk back to the table, sitting down as Kiana stops her conversation with Elias.

She pats the seat next to her as Everest sighs and slumps into his seat. I smile as our food arrives, Kiana looking at Everest who again, looks at his brother. "And.. there you go." He hands Kiana her food as she thanks him, allowing him to walk away.

I see numbers drawn onto the plate with a sharpie as I show Kiana and she laughs, taking a photo of it as she posts the photo on her instagram. She puts her phone onto the table as I begin eating, trying to ignore the numbers that were visible for Everest to see as I turned my plate.

He stares at the numbers as he gets up, grabbing his things and walks outside. I don't think too much of it and have Elias pay for the food, rushing outside to see him on the phone with someone named Adore? "It's fine, it's fine." He mutters before hanging up. I slip next to him, caressing his back as he sighs.

"Everest.." he hums as I bring him to the car, allowing him to open my door before I pull him down by his neck. He gasps a bit before it turns into a groan as I kiss him, sitting on my knees to get a better reach. His hand lets go of the door as he cups my face, deepening the kiss.

Once the restaurant door opens and Kiana and Elias walk out, he quickly closes my door but I stop him as I wipe a smudge of lipstick off of his pink tinted lips. He gets into the car as they drive back home for the beach. We arrive and quickly change, wiping our makeup off as we sit and talk about the man who gave me his number.

"Should I call it?" I ask as she nods excitedly. She shows me the photo as I type it into the keypad, sitting the phone on the sink as it rings, and rings. The man picks up as I put the phone on speaker. "Hello?" His voice was soft and it seemed as if he was tired. "Hello? Isn't this the man from the restaurant?" I lean against the wall as I listen to him speak, Kiana trying to contain her smile.

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