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She's not back yet. Why isn't she back?

I fucking followed her to the alleyway just to get fucking pulled over. How the actual hell did I get pulled over? Made me go home and shit, and she hasn't even gave me a fucking call to let me know she's okay.

I try to track her phone, won't let me, I try calling her, won't let me. I have multiple people working on trying to find her, but do they keep moving? They do. First it was a warehouse, now they're in Kiana's hometown. I've traveled everywhere, asked her friends, family everyone.

I can't fucking find her.

I've went sleepless knowing that she wasn't by my side, my house fucking house smells like her vanilla scent. I've washed and changed my sheets thousands of times, nothing is working. I've definitely been drinking a lot more too, trying to get my mind off of things.

Is it bad that I'm going to my club more often too? Aurelle has been crying ever since the first day we've noticed she's went missing. I've explained to her so many times how it's not my fault because I chased after her, maybe a bit too fast because I got pulled over. She still hates, and blames it on me.

I've locked myself in my office, going through files and notes on where she loves to be. We've swept out the warehouse, only to see blood that I'm assuming is hers and her old clothes. "Fuck." I bang on the wall, leaving my office as I grab my whiskey bottle. I down some of it, rubbing my temples before going upstairs, sleeping in a spare room.

I close my eyes but all I think of is her. She's on my mind and fuck she shouldn't be because I know she's somewhere where she shouldn't be, crying as she gets hit with knives and shot with guns. I swear if he laid a hand on her and hurt her in any type of sexual way— stop. There's already tears streaming down my face before I bury my head into the pillow, allowing the slick tears to fall from my eyes.

I rub my eyes before staring at the wall, falling asleep slowly.


Why am I doing this?

It's the question I've asked myself ever since I've kidnapped her. I mean yes, I love seeing her have to bury her face into my chest and act as if she loves me. Because she does. I know for a fact. Currently, we're in Kiana's hometown but we're traveling to Texas. A big state so it'll be hard to find us. Leaving LA, was the best idea.

"He's going to fucking find you and slaughter you." She cries from the sock stuffed in her mouth. "Shut up," I slap her face before spitting on her scars. "You're fucking horrendous." I look at her as she tries to remove her restraints. I laugh as she cries more, the plane beginning to move. I know she's always had a fear of a plane taking off, so I don't hold her hand on purpose.

She cries as she holds her own hand, so I separate them. "We don't do that here. Face your fears, Kiana." I slap her even harder. "FUCK YOU!" She yells, spitting out the sock as I grab my knife, slitting her ankle. She cries as I grab my belt, hitting the metal part against them. I throw the belt on her, covering her with a blanket as I stuff the sock back into her mouth.

I grab tape before taking the blanket, taping it shut. She cries, and I can tell because her body is shaking. "Stop fucking crying, crybaby." Her muffled yells make me smile. She stops as I grab my phone, taking a photo of her as I send it to Elias's headquarters. "Come find your precious little girl, Elias." I get up, heading to the laboratory before receiving a text.

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