Chapter 59-The Dead Speak!

Start from the beginning

            "I head. But... I also heard other things. Rumors of a return, of sorts"

Tell me, girl. What else is it that you want? There is something else that you want. I can feel it...

            "I want to get revenge on someone that wronged me"

Revenge. How sweet.

            "I mean it. I want to have my revenge on my enemy, Master"

I am not your master. But I cannot deny, the Force is strong with you. Very strong... That is why you have been hearing my voice...

            "Who is your apprentice?"

I can give you what you want. You just have to do as I say.

            "You will make me your apprentice?"

You would make a powerful Sith Lord... You just have to do as I say.

            "Okay. I will do as you say"

Palpatine cackled so loudly, it felt as if one million voices were laughing all around Darley. 

Her eyes began to water, but she maintained her focus.

I want you to go to the radio control console of this flagship And you will help me relay a message that will give The First Order the potential for ultimate power. Then, and only then, will I entertain your request.

            "I will prove myself to you, Master"

I am not your master.

            "I will prove myself to you, Emperor Palp... Er... May I call you Sheev?"

You may not.

            "...Lord Sidious"

Go to the radio control room, and you shall receive what you want.

             And so, Darley stood up from her meditative stance, admittedly a bit stiff, and made her way through the halls of the Flagship Supremacy, the blood in her veins still boiling.

            I am going to take [y/n] down, Darley thought, She will never see it coming... "Stupid little Darley who she can take anything from", no more. She is only ever going to be known as The First Order's resident whore. But me? I am going to go down in history as the next legendary Sith Lord... she and General Hux will have no idea what hit them....

I can see the anger burning inside of you. Gooood...

            When Darley finally arrived at the control room, she could barely contain herself. This was her big moment. This was her time...

Do you feel the darkness inside you?

            "Yes... I feel the darkness inside me, burning still. To tell you the truth, since the first time you asked me that, it has never truly left! Perhaps it has always been there. Perhaps it always will be."

Gooood. Open the panel on the radio's intercommencer, and search for a large collection of red and black cables. They are live. Do you hear the sound of it? Do you feel their potency? Do you feel their strength?

            Darley immediately identified the wires The Emperor was talking about— they were red and black, with a complex engraving of symbols on their metallic exterior, which glowed a a subtle aura of blue. She could, in fact, feel the electric surge they held, just as he said. Her heart skipped for just a moment...

            "Yes, I see them. I can feel it. What do you want me to do?"

I want you to take them in your right hand. And I want you to crush them.

            Darley could now feel her heart racing, pounding, almost vibrating... she had never felt this angry, this powerful, this alive.

            "Yes, Lord Sidious. And then you will give me ultimate power"

And then, I will give you ultimate power.

            Darley took a deep breath... She closed her eyes... She held the cables in her hand....

And she grabbed them.


            Bright blue lightning surged through the wires, through the console, through the rest of the radio equipment in the room— and through Officer Darley, whose entire body was now sizzling, vibrating, sparking blue...

            A long, loud screeching noise made its way through every single electrical current in the ship, as well as every wireless wavelength in the air. The electricity touched the floors, touched the ceiling, and eventually—touched every single radio wavelength in the entire galaxy...

            And then, a voice could be heard, everywhere, by anyone in the whole galaxy that could hear it:



            As the broadcasted message crackled out, Darley's body surged, and the blue Force Lighting which had just enveloped every signal in the galaxy now all enveloped only her. For a few moments, she shook, almost levitating.


            And then, with a loud thud, Officer Darley's lifeless body plummeted to the floor...

            She was dead.

            The commotion around the Flagship Supremacy was overwhelming. Officers and Troopers from every division ran around, discussing who exactly was behind the sinister message which everyone had just heard, and what exactly had happened.

            Lieutennant [y/n] was following closely behind Supreme Leader Kylo Ren when the both of them froze, laying their eyes upon the lifeless body of Officer Darley for the first time. They locked eyes, both taken aback by this turn of events: Darley, who had caused the both of them so much unnecessary trouble at one point, was now just a lifeless husk, fried to a crisp, and both of them had a strong suspicion of who was to blame...

           Kylo gave [y/n] a look...

            [Y/n] gave Kylo a look...

           There was nothing else that needed to be said... 

All they knew was: Somehow, Palpatine returned. 


xxx RIP DARLEY xxx

I'M BACK!  After two years, I know. I have always intended on finishing this story, and I will keep that promise! When I stopped, I still needed to plan everything out in a way that fit with the plot of TRoS movie, which was going to take a lot of time, and I had a lot of other things going on in my life. 

But I can tell you now that I have officially planned out all of  the remainder of First Order Adventure, to what I think is the end. .. 

It's going to be a lot of chapters, guys. So buckle up! 

A lot of the story is going to involve Kylo and Rey, because of how the movie is structured, but I promise the focus and the point of it all is ALWAYS going to be about [y/n] and Hux, and that love triangle (square?) so please stay with me! Because it's going to be crazyyyy. 

May the Force be with you, as always!

Xoxo, Jessie. 

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