Chapter 4- redemption

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written by sigma author #1

In the midst of chaos, alphas bright yellow pissy orbs widened in shock. he had realized what he had done...

"kitten, i didnt mean to...." 

Y/N stood up, zipping her elegant cars 2 skirt back up. 

"no...we cant go back, big sweaty gaurdian alpha mod sugar daddy...."

Alphas eyes suddenly began to release mystery fluids. Alpha felt guilt and betrayal..

"b....but kitten. you promised that you would be my petite 3'5 discord kitten for eternity...if this is about the my sigmaspazzing syndrome, i can try and take medication!!!"

In response to this information, Y/N's toes twinkle with curiousity... They gather the courage to respond... 

"you never told me about your sigmaspazzing syndrome!! i didnt know!! i wouldnt have snapped on you if i had known that you were suffering from sigmaspazzing!!"

Alpha begins pissing with sencerity..

"come on...lets hug it out..."

Alpha and Y/N join eachother in a very liquidy group hug, forming new virus strains and several living organisms as their odors and germs from years of not showering combine. although scientists may call this a biological hazard, real eyes see that this is true love....

They separate, and Alpha speaks with authority

"kitten, lets leave this underground mafia life behind and venture into the outside world.

Y/N replies.

"B-but what about your pack???"

suddenly, Alpha rips off his shirt, revealing his furry art tattoo on his chest, Y/N's heart fluttered with cardiac arrest. 

"do not concern yourself with such trivial matters, kitten. nothing can hold true love back..."

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