Part 6: The Big Titan Reveal

Start from the beginning

"Matthew,Matthew,We're Here," Madison declared.

"Madison,Is That You?" Matthew wondered,Happily,Into the Walkie Talkie.

"Yeah,Matthew,It's Me," Madison informed.

"Gosh,It's Good to hear a Friendly Voice," Matthew admitted.

"Matthew,Are You Okay? Where are You? Are You still in Godzilla's Mouth?" Madison interrogated,Out of Concern for Him,Wanting to Know Everything,That,Had Happened to Him.

"No,No,He spit Me Out on a Building," Matthew replied.

"Okay,But,Where are You?" Madison repeated,Trying to get his Answer on,Where He was,So,They could Go and Get Him.

"Oh Gosh,Um,I'm in Tokyo,He took Me to Tokyo," Matthew stated.

"Dad,He's in Tokyo!!" Madison shouted to Mark.

"What's He doing There?" Rick murmured,In Confusion.

"Godzilla must have used the Underwater Tunnels to get There," Ilene guessed.

"Ilene,Honey,Radio Castle Bravo on the Spare Walkie,We need to get to Tokyo," Mark requested,Politely,as He told Her Why,She needed to do It.

"Will Do," Ilene answered,Respectfully,as She took the Other Walkie Out,And,Began to Radio Them.

"Matt,I-Is Godzilla Still With You?" Madison mentioned,Curiously,Wanting to know if Matthew was,Still with Him.

"No,He's,He's fighting," Matthew notified.

"Fighting What? Who?" Madison questioned,Worriedly

"Two Other Titans," Matthew pointed Out.

"Give Me Their Species!" Madison commanded.

"Okay,Uh,One of Them is like a Pterodactyl and the Other One is like a Squid-Thing," Matthew described.

"That's Rodan and Scylla," Madison declared,Telling Matthew,Which Titans,Godzilla was Fighting.

"Wait,But,Why is He fighting Them?" Rick brought Up,Not seeing,Why,He was fighting Two More of his Fellow Titans,as He asked the Question,In to the Walkie Talkie.

"They were bowing,Almost like They were waiting for Something Else to Arrive in That Very Spot," Matthew explained,Into his Walkie,And,Out Their's.

"This is It,This is Why,He's been Attacking the Other Titans,They're planning to Submit to a New Alpha,And,Godzilla is,Trying to keep Them Under Control," Madison elucidated.

"Wait,So,Godzilla is the Good Guy,Here?" Matthew asked,Confusingly.

"Yes,He always has been," Madison pointed Out.

Back in Tokyo.

Up on the Rooftop of the Building.

"Alright,I need to Hang Up on This,I need to See,What This New Titan is,And,Hopefully,See Godzilla stop It,From,Conquering Earth," Matthew warned,Into his Walkie Talkie.

"So,You're on Godzilla's Side of Things,Now?" Madison guessed.

"For Now,Only,Because Godzilla is the Only Thing standing in this New Titan's Way of Conquering Our Planet,And,Destroying Us All," Matthew apprised as He,Then,Turned Off his Walkie,And,Ran Back Over to the Edge of the Roof.

Once Matthew arrived Back at the Ledge of the Rooftop,He saw Godzilla Back Up,Again,About to Attack Rodan,Who was Bowing Down,Once Again.

"Alright,Titan,I never thought I'd say This,But,You need to win This," Matthew voiced as He continued to watch the Fight.

Godzilla walked Up to Rodan,as He Roared Out at Him,Alerting Rodan to stop Bowing,And,Turn Around.

Rodan Screeched as He Opened his Wings,To Fly Up to the Sky,And,Attack.

"Come On,Godzilla,Stop Him," Matthew yelled Out to Godzilla,Pretty Much,Announcing,Where He was Currently Standing,Getting Both Godzilla and Rodan's Attention as They Both turned Around,To See Matthew There Waving his Arms.

Godzilla looked at Matthew,With a Surprised Look on his Face,Not really expecting the Kid,To have stood Up and Cheer for Him like That.

Rodan watched the Kid,Cheer and Move Around on the Rooftop,In Confusion,Finding,What He was doing,Very Confusing.

Godzilla,Turning Back Around to face Rodan,Saw,That,Rodan was Distracted by Matthew's Cheering,as Godzilla raised his Tail,And,Whipped It,Right,Into Rodan's Face,Whipping Rodan Off of his Talons,To the Ground.

Rodan Shrieked at the Pain of the Whipping on the Face,Shrieking Out to the New Alpha.

Right Then.

Something Shrieked Back,In Response,Getting Both Matthew and Godzilla's Attention as They Both looked,Towards the Ocean,Where They saw It,Beginning to Boil.

The Ocean Boiled as Fish,From All Around the Tokyo Bay,Floated Up to the Surface,Being Completely Skinless,Like Their Skin was Evaporated Off.

Matthew and Godzilla,Both watched,From Their Different Locations,as They witnessed Something,Burst Out of the Ocean,Into the Sky,Flying,Right towards Rodan's Location.

That Same Something flew,Through the Sky,Over to,Where the Two Titans had been Bowing,Where Scylla was,Still Bowing,as the Creature lowered Itself Down to the Ground,And,Landed on Its Feet,Directly,In Front of Godzilla and Rodan,Completely Crushing Some of Tokyo's Largest Buildings,Beneath Its Feet.

"Th-That Thing's a Giant Prehistoric Crustacean?" Matthew realized as He looked at the Giant Creature,Standing Tall,In Front of the Two Titans.

The Creature Screeched,Ferociously,At Godzilla,Before,Opening Its First Mouth,And,Then,Its Second One,as It shot a Large Beam Out of Its Second Mouth,Straight towards Godzilla.

The Creature's Attack landed,Right,Into Godzilla's Chest,as Godzilla's Feet,Skidded across the City Ground,Before,Losing his Footing,And,Falling Backwards,In to a Larger Building.

Matthew watched,In Horror,From Afar,as He watched the Creature's Beam,Hit Godzilla in the Chest,And,Him,Skid Backwards,Into the Large Building.

"That Thing's destroying Everything,It's a Regular Destroyer," Matthew murmured to Himself as He watched Godzilla,Fall,Into the Building,Before,The Building Collapsed on Top of Him,Burying Godzilla in Six Thousand Pounds of Rubble.

At the Moment,Godzilla was losing,Against This New Titan,And,If He didn't step Up,This Thing was going to take his Place as Alpha of All the Titans.

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