Part 5: Bonding and Battle in Tokyo

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In the Pacific Ocean.

On Monarch's Motor-Boat.

"Wow,They were Totally Bonding. Were They?" Rick complained,Angrily.

"D-Dr. Serizawa was Wrong. He,Literally,Ate Him,He ate an Innocent Boy," Ilene voiced,Disappointedly.

"Wake Up! Chen! He more than Ate the Boy,He devoured Him,Murdered Him," Rick commented.

"Dr. Serizawa Said,That Godzilla was the Key to Coexistence,But,He,Just ate a Boy,A Boy,That was Defenseless," Mark reminded,Not Seeing,How the Lizard Titan,Who had,Just Devoured a Human Boy,To be the Key to Coexistence.

"But,It,Just doesn't make Any Sense. Why did He make That Surprised Look on his Face? Why lick Him?" Ilene questioned,Trying to make Sense of Everything,That,They had,Just Seen.

"Cause,I don't think,That,He ate Him," Madison retorted.

"Madison! I know,You like Godzilla,But,We just Saw Him eat Him," Mark warned.

"No,We saw Him put Matthew in his Mouth,We never heard Him chew," Madison corrected.

"Of Course,We're not going to hear Him Chew. He's Huge!!" Rick lashed Out,Furiously.

"Mr. Rick,Think,For Once," Madison ordered.

"Madison! Respect!" Mark ordered.

"Sorry,Dad," Madison apologized.

"Please,Continue,Maddie," Ilene requested.

"I don't think,Godzilla ate Him,I think,He's doing,What Crocodiles do to Their Young,He's putting Him in his Mouth,And,Taking Him to Safety," Madison explained.

"But,He's not a Crocodile,And,Crocodiles do That to take Their Young to the Water," Rick pointed Out.

"Yes,But,Godzilla has acted Out Other Animal's Instincts,Before,This wouldn't be the First Time,If She is Right," Ilene mentioned,Seeing What Madison was getting At as She explained Things to Rick.

"And,As for How Crocodiles do It,He's,Just doing the Opposite,He's carrying his Young,Away from the Water,To protect Him from Predators," Madison added.

"However,That isn't His Young," Mark said.

"Okay. How do You explain the Licking and the Surprised Look?" Rick wondered,Wanting to know,Madison's Explanation for That.

"Well,Lizards are known to Use Their Tongues to Smell,Or to detect Enemies,It's possible,Godzilla was licking Him to see if He was an Enemy or Not,And,Must have Come Across his Age,Which Shocked Him," Madison replied,Coming Up with Another Explanation,About,What He was,Most Likely Doing.

"If This is the Case,Then,We need to head Back to Castle Bravo,So,We can track Him to,Where He's Going," Mark declared as He turned On the Engine of the Boat,Again,And,They took off,Back to Castle Bravo,To track Godzilla.


In Tokyo,Japan.

Godzilla swam,Through the Water,Towards the City of Tokyo,Getting Ready to step Out of the Water.

Once Godzilla was Close Enough to Stand Up in the Water,Godzilla stood Up,Onto his Feet,And,Stomped,Directly,Out of the Water,Into the City of Tokyo.

Godzilla stomped,Through the City,as He began to Look Around,From Side to Side,Looking for Something.

Godzilla stopped Walking,Through the City,The Minute,He saw a Large Building,as He stopped,At the Side of the Building,And,Opened his Mouth.

Matthew,Then,Slid,Out of Godzilla's Mouth,Onto the Floor of the Building Roof,Landing on his Behind.

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