Chapter 26 - X

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It's the next day after I shook Ink awake, I promised him that I would take him to a cat café, I made sure to get a reservation, so we don't have to look for more cat cafés that aren't full. Ink walks out of his room, ready to go when he just walks up to me and wraps himself around me, he's always been scared and shy in public, so knowing I would be there would be a lifesaver to him. "Are you ready?" I ask him, he takes a deep breath and replies with "Yeah...I'm ready..." He sounds uncertain of himself, but it doesn't matter. I wrap my arm around his and walk out the door with him, I lock and shut the door when we're both outside the house and then I start walking to the cat café. Our house is away from other people because well, I am an assassin and if I get caught it would be bad for me, and Ink is targeted by his 'family.' If you can even call them one. We walk into the city near our house, its around a 15-minute walk, we both chose that far away because then it would be hard for someone to try and find out house. We reach the city near our house, there is a sign, it says [Welcome to the City of Xela!] I make sure to keep a hold on Ink, so he doesn't freak out or get nervous. I look at him and tell him "I'm right here, don't worry" before he hugs me. I hold him close to me likes a child. After a bit I start to head to the cat café until the little girl (Mia) accidentally runs into us. "S-Sorry!" she says in a panicked tone as Ink looks down at her and says, "It's okay, just be careful, okay?" Before she gives us, a nod and runs off again. We reach the cat café, and it isn't flooded with cats, but it's filled with them. We get our reservation checked in and sit down at a table, there's around 5 cats around us. "So? What do you think of this?" I ask Ink until a tabby cat jumped on his lap and starts rubbing against his hand and purring. "Well, hello there" Ink says to the tabby cat as it rubs against Ink's hand, it seems really comfortable there. The cat then lays in his lap and starts to purr as we order our food, I order a simple coffee and Ink orders a burger. Soon the cat falls asleep in Ink's lap, and I find that adorable, but then a small, black kitten jumps into my lap. The black cat is small enough to fit in the palm of my hand, so I pick it up and hold it in my hand as I pet it. The kitten licks my hand as a sign of affection. I chuckle a bit as I get Ink to look at the kitten curled up in the palm of my hand, he goes to pet the kitten and the tabby cat so none of them think that he has favorites. Once our food arrives, I keep the kitten in my one hand as I drink my coffee in the other hand. Ink eats the the burger as the tabby cat lies asleep in his lap. The kitten seems to love me as its smiling while asleep in my palm, we pay for the food, and I set the cat on the seat where we were sitting, and we head out. I look at Ink and notice he's feeling happy. We're about to leave the city when I feel something nudge my foot, I turn around and notice it's the same kitten. "Hey there" I say to the kitten, it lets out a small meow and tries to jump into my hand, I quickly catch it and say, "Did you want to come with me?" Before it nods and curls up in my palm. I shrug and continue walking home beside Ink. When we reach home I set the cat down on the couch, realizing how tiny it is. I decide to get our house set up for the kitten in case it ends up staying with us. I get some water ready for the cat and it decided to put the bowl by the cat, after setting the bowl by the kitten, they drank the water and looked really thirsty, after they were done drinking I poured the water out of the bowl into the sink. 

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