Chapter 24 - Wither

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After Nova kisses me, I lean in for another, he happily takes it and kisses back. "You know, I never knew I needed this" I tell them, but then they reply with a simple "Mhm." I sit on the couch beside them and then they sit beside me, leaning his head on my shoulder. I don't realize it but we fall asleep, leaning on each other, when I wake up he's still asleep and clinging to me by hugging me. "It's okay, I'm here" I say as I hug him back. He wakes up shortly after, his cheeks go red in embarrassment as he pulls his arms away and covers his face with his hands while frantically apologizing. I remove his hands from his face and say "It's okay" and then I move forward and kiss him on the lips. It seems like it's only us two, on top of the world until someone comes pounding on our door yelling "OPEN UP!" 

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