Chapter 22 - Ink

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After Wither leaves, we are left to deal with the uncle's wrath, although, I notice Ink is shaking, he's scared, and I'm going to protect him. "Ink, I'm here for you. Okay?" I say to him while hugging him, I want him to feel safe. Ink seems to be vulnerable right now, even in my arms. "I turn back to the uncle with a death glare in my eye. He seems absolutely petrified and backs away cautiously. I hold Ink in my arms like a child and carry him home. I enter the house and head to his room. I then set him on the bed and lay next to him, he nuzzles his head into my chest and seems to fall asleep immediately. I hug him and rub his back; he seems to like it and cling to me more. "No one can hurt you know, you're safe" I think in my head. Even though we are the same age, he's always going to be my little brother. I make sure he's fully asleep before heading back to the uncle's house, only this time, with my assassin's kit. I knock on the door, looking pissed, he answers and starts to look scared again. I barge in the house and slam the door shut. "What were you going to do to him." I say, overprotective of Ink. He doesn't reply until he notices the belt. "W-Wait! Wait! D-Don't.... Don't hurt me!" He exclaimed. "Then speak the fuck up. What were you going to do to him." I say, he reluctantly replies with "W-Well...I was going to.... p-punish taking him..." An awkward silence fills the air before I ask, "What was the punishment." I glare at him until he says "W-Why do I have to- "He gets cut off by me pointing my dagger at his throat. "Tell. Me. Now." I demand, he doesn't answer so I chop off his head, I walk out and leave my calling card. I get home and open the door, I notice Ink sleeping and he looks so peaceful, I lay back next to him and hug him, he goes back to burying his head in my chest. I hold him protectively as I whisper to him "You're safe, don't worry."

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