Chapter 3 - Ink

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X hands me the breakfast, eggs, I notice he left the room, I shrug it off "probably for my beanie" I think to myself, suddenly, the window breaks, I look over, I try to scream for help, but they cover my mouth with chloroform, I wake up in a room, there's a desk, a big one, like one you'd see in the principal's office, I look around, there's no windows but there's an obvious door, but there are two guards in black suits holding weapons guarding it. "Hello, you finally woke up" a male with a deep voice says, I look over to see my uncle

(Ink's Uncle / Todd, 30 – 40s, mean, homophobic and transphobic, was mean to Ink in his life before X came in to help)

I scoff "What do you want?" I say sounding annoyed "You know what I want" he replies. "Revenge." My mind draws a blank "uhhh, revenge about what...?" I ask confused "How do you seriously not remember?! The day that guy took you" "Oh, is he referencing X?" I think to myself "What about him?" I ask "Are you kidding me?! How do you not remember the day"

(yes, a cliff hanger im sorry – from the creator) 

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