dazed and confused

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michael (duff)'s pov:
she was sleeping her mouth open and her right arm was under my pillow. i wanted to watch her forever and keep that moment until the end of the world. but it was two pm so i decided to wake her up.
"maya, wake up honey." i said and gave her a kiss on the forehead. she slowly opened her eyes.
"morning love." i said and she ran her fingers through my hair, playfully.
"morning mi-mi." that was a nickname typo thing that she gave me for the times that my name was too long to pronounce.
"we have a lot to do today."
"no!" she was acting like a child, i adored that.
"but we have to decorate the room and andie said that u guys r gonna go to the agency today."
"it's toNIGHT not toDAY. but okay, let's go to the shop and buy some decorations.

we went to the store and bought some stuff, she was so excited while picking up some stuff for OUR little area. i felt like a married couple.
when we were done, we went back to the house. andie and frankie were sitting on the couch, half naked.
"morning guys!" maya said. she was usually annoyed when she saw frankie, but it seemed like some things changed. maybe they talked. i better ask her.

back to maya's pov:
after michael woke me up we went to shopping for our room together. when we were back, andie and frankie were making out on the couch. i talked to frankie a few days ago n we both were being brutally honest with each other, our problems were solved. he was a good brother after all n he wasn't concerned about the calvin job anymore. the new house was becoming a great change for all of us.
we started decorating the room. when we were done, it really felt like home. i cuddled michael and we laid on the carpet while listening to prince, the album that got us together from the very first time.

not too long after vince came with his suitcases.
"i heard that the gang's all here!" he said and walked in the house. "can i get an empty room please!" he said cheerfully. it was obvious that he just wanted to move in with us to not to feel like an outsider.
after a while the guitar player guy from the band audition came as well, we gave him frankie's room and he moved in with andie. everything was fine except william. he seemed okay with everyone but me. he was still ignoring me. i wasn't gonna let him screw my good times, right?


one day, when vince, mick (the guitar player guy), frankie and tommy were at the studio to record an ALBUM (that was a really big deal for all of us) me n andie sat on the floor of the living room n started picking the nail polish colors that we were gonna use in the girls night, with vince. william walked in the room, i decided to ignore him back but surprisingly, he talked to me.
"hello maya. oh, hi andie."
"hi william." andie replied him.
"i decided to change my name. im thinking about 'axl'. when i was playing piano for the church group they used to call me axl. what do u think maya, is it good?"
"i guess." it was a HOT name.
"im definitely gonna change it then."
i felt his looks on me but i didn't look back n tried to look even more interested in which color would go with vince's skin tone.


"soo, tell me girls! what's goin on with mi-mi n franklyy?" vince asked.
"gosh he's so hot in bed!!" andie replied. they talked a little then turned their heads to me.
"how's things going in ur love triangle maya?" vince asked.
"what love triangle?"
"you, william 'axl' and michael 'duff' (that was a nickname that everyone used for michael n honestly i loved it cuz it was easier to say) love triangle ofc! it's so clear that axl's in love with you."
"noo, he's not." im lying again.
"cmon now!"
they kept telling me that 'axl' was madly in love with me and confused my head even more.
we painted our nails, sang songs about being women and chatted for hours. vince told us about his experiences with girls n his gf at the moment, sharise. she was a sweet girl as well knew. vince was a nice guy with female interests and futures. we both loved him sm, as a friend. he was more like a gay friend of ours but unlike gays, we were concerned that he'd fuck us. actually he said it clearly: if u ever get bored n look for a fuck buddy, im always here. what a funny little guy he was, i loved him.

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