she's a little runaway...

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so i went to this place, it was a horrible mess in there. i saw a guy with black hair, ngl he looked kinda old, and i saw another one with with blonde hair. he was hot.
"hello!" i said with a cheerful voice. they both turned their heads to my direction.
"hello?" the blondie said with a confused expression.
"frankie and tommy couldn't make it but they sent me here to give u guys the good news: u r in!"
"im not gonna get in a band without even knowing who im gonna work with." the old guy said. lousy bitch.
"well yk me now, im maya. im the rhythm guitarist."
"we need to meet the other two ass well."
"okay then wait for a few more minutes here. i'll bring em." i lied. i left the place and ran away. it was just fun to confuse people and then to disappear.

i ran until i saw the train station. i stopped there to buy a ticket. i saw andie there.
"wth man, what r u doin here?"
"i noticed that u weren't at the house so i thought u'd come here."
"let's buy two tickets and chat in the train then?"
"sounds good to me darling."
i blew her a kiss. we were so gay when it was each other. but just in a foolish way.

so we bought the tickets and started waiting for the train. we sat and andie said she was hungry so she bought a hotdog. i wasn't hungry at all so i just sat and drank my coffee that i bought god knows when. it was so cold but i was smoking too so they balanced each other and stuff.
"so how was ur night?" i asked.
"great. ur brother knows how to... yk..."
"blow ur mind with his sex moves? i know babe i know." andie laughed.
"how would you know?" she asked amused.
"i learned all the sex tips from him. he'd make me sit down and i'd watch him fucking girls. he's a psychopath."
"he's hot."
"so is ur brother dude."
"ohh yeah, abt that, how was it?"
"it was like a 'i've missed u, but babe i'm gonna leave u' type of sex. it was great anyhow."
"so how r u since frankie kinda shitted in ur life?"
"everything's how they supposed to be now. we r doin fine. how r u?"
"im fucking bored of my parents. they keep acting like tommy's a baby n im a 30 year old who still lives with her family."
"bastards." i said and andie nodded. we saw the train coming so we stood up and got in it. we kept talking till the ride ended.
"where r we now?" andie asked.
"i don't fucking know. does it even matter?"
"no, it doesn't since u r with me." andie said romantically and held my hand, i kissed hers.
"let's go and, idk, sit at the park or smth." i said.
"let's go by the river and feed the ducks then lay and watch the stars!" aww how romantic she was!
"okay babe, however u want." i said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

if i have to talk about andie, she's a really naive girl. i love her more than anything but im concerned about her and frankie being together, i hope he won't fuck this up and break her heart. i know andie since forever cuz our mothers are friends from high school. we both wanna be models and move to nyc.

anyway, we were walking and talking then we saw a river. without ducks. just some guys, scary ones. we decided to get away from there but the guys already noticed us. we started running when they started following us. i looked around for someone to help or a telephone booth to call 911 but we were at the middle of nowhere.

we were out of our breaths so the guys caught us.
"pls dont hurt us!" andie said. two of the four guys laughed. and the non-laughing-two started walking towards us. we were scared as hell and andie whispered to my ear: "maya, if we die now or if they take us to separate places, i love u sm and if u survive n i dont, tell frankie that he has to work on some of his sex moves." i'd laugh at her in a normal situation but i just nodded and held her hand for maybe the lsat time. i closed my eyes and thought about morrison. i'm coming to see u jimbo...

we were praying and all then we saw frankie and tommy coming behind the guys. they've had pans in their hands and they used them to hit the guys from their heads. as they did that tommy held my hand and frankie held andie's then we started running away from there to the train station.
"what r u guys doing this late? at the most dangerous side of california!" tommy yelled at us.
"maya do u have any idea how much i worried when i couldn't find u anywhere in la?" frankie said. he tried to find me? wow!
"we're sorry but-"
"enough. let's go back to the house." tommy said and he aggressively took andie's arm and they started walking in front of us. i looked at frankie who seemed upset.
"frankie, im sorry..."
"i know how hard it was for you but u just have to try to fit in. okay?"
"why u think it's hard for me?"
"cmon maya, we don't have any idea about this city. i mean cali. i must be hard."
"it's not since i have andie."
"so me being here doesn't mean anything?" he asked kinda sad.
"no." i said. i was still mad at him for sending mom to jail. i don't regret what i said. no.

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