Part 1

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"Yo, Piccolo!" Goku called out to the Namekian as he flew towards Piccolo who was doing the meditation sitting next to the waterfall. Goku has sparred with two of his friends, Yamcha and Krillin, so he could come to visit his girlfriend Kagome. It was strange that Kagome hadn't shown up for sparring, so he had to go check on her. He remembered Kagome said that she would be here at the Kame House, but unfortunately, she didn't.

"Have you seen Kagome?" Goku asked.

Piccolo peeked his left eye at him and didn't hesitate to be bothered. "Why should I know? I'm busy."

"Okay, nothing mind!" Then Goku took off flying away without saying goodbye to the Namekian.

"What could he possibly want from Kagome, anyway?" Piccolo asked himself, annoyed.


As Goku arrived at the Capsule Corp, he stood in front of the front door and knocked on the door, waiting for Bulma to be answered.

"Who is it?" Bulma called out.

"It's me, Bulma!" Goku called out back.

"Goku?" Then the door opened and Bulma's head popped out with a surprised look. "What a surprise visit. What brings you here?"

"Have you seen Kagome? She said she's going to be there, but she hasn't shown up yet." Goku said.

She blinked, surprised. "You mean you don't know?" She asked before she started to feel bad, "Kagome is feeling sick, so she can't come over to the Kame House."

"What!? Kagome's sick!? What happened!?" Goku said, panicked. He was worried that something might happen to his girlfriend. He was worried she could be dying from the sickness.

"Kagome has a fever, so it's better if she stays home until she gets better," Bulma told him.

"Like how long?" Goku wailed.

She sighed, smiling a bit. "She'll get better for four days."

"So she's not going to die?" Goku asked, hoping she could beat the sickness from the death.

"Goku, of course not. It's not like she is dying from the fever. It's normal. I'm expecting that you didn't know what the sickness is." Bulma said.

"Can I at least see her to make sure she's okay?" Goku asked with a pleading look.

"I'm afraid not, Goku. She needs to be alone time. As soon as she gets better, you'll see her again." Bulma said.

"Oh, please, Bulma! Please!" Goku cried out.

"Goku, I can't let you come near Kagome because you'll get sick, too!" Bulma said, annoyed.

"I promise I'll keep my social distance from her, so I won't get sick! Please, Bulma! Please!" Goku pleaded with her more.

She groaned. "Fine! But you have to wear a mask when you go there. After you visit Kagome, you need to wash your hands to make sure you don't get germs."

"Gee, thanks, Bulma!" Goku exclaimed happily before he could enter the house and check on Kagome.

Sick Troubles // Goku x Kagome [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now