Chap 24: Utmost Sincerity

Start from the beginning

The music helps me move faster and gives me motivation probably cause it's on my motivation playlist. I really need the hype if I'm going to go far in this.

I start running although for really athletic people I'm probably jogging here. I personally hate running as you all know.. I mean, my F in P.E can serve as a proof.

When I run four blocks down I start slowing down, wheezing, panting and wheezing. I cough a bit and start regretting why I didn't bring a water bottle with me.

Feeling the need to, I take a sit on the sidewalk to catch my breath, pulling my headphones down a bit.

"Need some?", I hear so I look up and I'm shocked to see Noah handing me a bottled water. Where did he come from?.

"Following me now", I tease taking the water from him. He sits next to me as I open the cap and take a long gulp from the bottle.

"Thanks. I really needed that", I say and he nods. I take a good look at his outfit, he has shorts on and a zip up hoodie with sneakers on. He totally followed me. Even if I'm being delulu there's still a high chance he could have been following.

"Didn't know you still did this", he says after a while and I clear my throat.

"Same here", I say and he nods.

"So.. wanna keep jogging?", he asks and I nod. "Okay then ". Noah stands up and gives me a hand. Sometimes when people do that, not that they show me that gesture regularly but when they do I always think I'm going to pull them down. I may not weigh as much as I think but the words people toss at me make me feel I weigh a lot.

"Uh..", I trail trusting my guts by taking his hand. Noah's strong built so I'm not too surprised when he pulls me up without any form of struggle.

"Thanks", I say.

"Anytime princess", he says and I smile so he returns it, giving me a smile of his own.

Noah and I start by jogging slowly and I'm so grateful for his patience with me. He's literally going so slow just to keep up with me. Now I know how slow I am.

I try to increase my pace and I watch myself move away from Noah. I'm shocked and confused at the same time because for one Noah's faster by a hundred percent.

I add a little more speed and when I turn back I don't see Noah at all so I stop. Where did he go? Did I outrun him.. Nah!. I turn around again and I'm faced with Noah. My soul almost leaves my body as I scream moving back in fear.

I miss my step and end up falling on my butt. Ouch.

Noah's laughter comes next and it dies as fast as it came when he sees my face. Yeah, I'm totally not smiling.

He comes over to me and offers me a hand. I slap it away and try to get up myself when I feel a sharp pain on my ankle.

"Ah", I let out a painful shriek.

"What is it?", Noah asks worriedly, kneeling before me.

"My ankle, I think I sprained it", I say putting a hand over it.

"Crap", he mutters taking a look at it. My ankle which was totally normally a few seconds ago is now all swollen and red. Double crap.

"Does it hurt?", he asks and I try moving my leg a bit and for sure there's a pain there.

"Yup", I wince.

"I'm so stupid", he mutters putting his hands on his head before sighing and getting on his feet.

"Okay so, you most definitely can't walk so I'm carrying you", he says and my eyes widen.


"C'mon try getting up", he says dismissing my question.

"Noah I don't think..", I trail not knowing what to say so I sigh.

Noah squats down to my level, "No matter what you think", he trails putting a lock of hair behind my ear. "Nothing's too hard for your prince.. now get in", he says turning his back to me.

"Noah..", I say but I'm completely short of words right now. I smile at the words 'your prince' still flying in the air.

I breath in and out before crossing my fingers tightly and getting onto Noah's back. I close my eyes shut almost like I don't want to ever open them again as scenarios of Noah and I falling run through my mind.

Noah places his hands on my thighs and with my hands wrapped around his neck he stands up lifting me on his back.

I slowly open my eyes with shock overwhelming me. This is the first time I'm being carried since I was 12 after then no one wanted to carry such a heavy kid. I mean, even I wouldn't.

But even with so much pounds, he still did it, Noah still carried me like I didn't weigh that much.

"You okay back there?", he asks and I gulp at his hands on my thighs

"Yeah", I manage to say and he nods then starts walking.

"Princess?", he calls out and it makes my heart jump a bit because I was trying to sniff his hoodie.

"Uh yeah?", I ask.

"I'm sorry you fell and sprained your ankle. I shouldn't have scared you like that", he says with utmost sincerity. How do I know? Because I can feel it.

"It's okay ", I say resting my head on his neck. I repeat stretching, "it's okay".

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