So they both went to the bar and had a drink there and talking about other things like movies,sports stuff for trying to forget Spencer.

Next morning town saw a 50 year old man arrived in the BMW car.He was wearing white trousers and dressed like filthy rich man who was nothing other than Spencer father Adamson frenzie.

Whole town looked at him with such a wow expression this rich man on small town like this what would have brought him small town like this.
Adamson stood up in middle of town and chest up and ughh.
"Hey ladies and gentlemen I'm the Adamson frenzie Spencer father.I heard what happened here some demon monster killed my son and over 25 of your people and left.Now I'm here to solve that".

One of the guy named Ricky Stanford who works in the bakery of town not minding much about it speak up "You heard it wrong sir that demon got killed by young lady Judith here she bravely stabbed it with cross and saved us. We got no trouble now."

Than Adamson looking at Judith like town hero "Hey saviour of the town are you sure you killed that demon because from what I heard demons can't get killed by such a tooth picks and cross picks."

Judith showing attitude and confident with shrugging shoulders"May be you are some one who read children stories and folklores but who didn't have any idea how supernaturals look like in real world."

Whole town people shocked with Judith voice because Adamson is filthy rich guy that is not a proper way to speak with him.

Adamson calm down others and took it as easy "Hey guys chill down I didn't offended by young lady words.He says so you are Judith right who is beautiful and such a strong girl now i understand why my son fell for you because we both had thing on strong women like you."

She awed by compliment like every girl even though she's on the revenge path"Thanks mr.frenzie" and left to the home and had hot shower and had a hot cup of tea.

She started realising why Spencer fell for her may be his weakness over strong girls he thought it as love that's why he didn't understood me and got himself killed by me. But next moment she again having second thoughts about it what if it's wrong like if it's that kind of thing why Spencer wished me to have better life before he died in his last moment also why she supposed to be heartbroken by it. These two thoughts are so much overwhelming on her mind she was so worried and trembled by all these thoughts but in final she came to conclusion that"Spencer truly loved her she too really loved him but situations and differences between them are the reason for that kind of ending and bad fate Spencer got."

Judith went to the Spencer funeral every one on the town attended Spencer funeral.every one kept sad face on the Spencer death.Edward and Ricky Stanford sat on the back seat from Judith .Madison sat left side to her she was holding her shoulders to comfort her in funeral.

ADAMSON giving speech on funeral about his son."Hey fellas of Rousilluon!you may think me as asshole or prick who left his wife and children who never attend to see his dead ex wife and son but I felt so much trembled on Us when my ex wife died and that caused so much scene between me and my new wife thats why I unable to attend at my late wife funeral same happened now too my wife and daughter didn't want me to attend here but I brought strength for myself to attend here.It was sad my sweet boy took by curse of witch and demons from what I heard the witch you sent to hell may be made deal with devil and brought that demon."

Suddenly Judith eyes glow red colour and she was filled with anger 😡 to kill him at that moment but she controlled herself and turned her eyes back to brown as usual because getting exposed like that infront of every one may not be good idea.

Adamson continued his greif and anger"yes that witch is the reason for my boy death and your children wives and husbands death.Now I have a way to save town people from that witch and her daughter I heard she got one daughter may be why don't you all people think her daughter behind it."

That moment Judith almost lost her Jaw and spine in the fear that she was failed.

Than everyone on town looked at witch schock reactions and people started screaming witch daughter and bad mouthing about her and her mother infront of her only she felt so much uncomfortable and angry by listening to all the town people words infront of her and that made her to burn revenge fuel even more.

Ricky Stanford stood up and started speaking 🗣️ "Yep you are right mr.frenzie that witch's daughter is the reason for both my son and daughter death I lost my daughter on her first attempt when she burned party van there is my daughter in it with that group second I lost my son when town effecting with mysterious diseases that witch must have performed some kind of magic on him too she destroyed why whole family I'll be ready to do whatever it takes."

Adamson opened his trunk of car there full of armory machine guns, rifles,handguns all Russian made weapons he offered all the weapons to everyone.
Adamson fuels town people confidence and anger "Hey rousilluon town this is all I can offer you town people for your protection with this armory we can even send devil and that demon to hell."

Whole town people shouting yeah send them hell! Yeah send them hell! on over and over.

Judith face was so confused at that time and scared with that all guns she can become blood meat 🍖.she normally can't kill them when they were united  but now with guns hell no!what can I suppose to do! Expressions she giving...

REVENGE OF THE WITCH:HARBINGER OF DEATH Where stories live. Discover now