Chapter 6: into Little garden, Memories

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Heyyy yalll 😝 how have you been lately ehe sorry for disappearing without an update, I was over boarded with holiday that i forgot to post this. This chapter been marinated in my draft for weeks 😭😭😭 I planned to post this much earlier before the latest chapter zenith past but it will take time so I make bonus chap to hold it off. Sorry if there's many mistakes I am very rushed since next week my school will open back and the time period is full. I'm 15 now I can't believe it 😭😭 tq for reading my boring fanfic even though some of the scene are cringe you still hang on till now tysm. Also last time I forgot to upload the special chapter on valentine's day because that chapter is later after this so I cancel it ☹️.. yeah and there will be a lot flashbacks... Ok you now may back to reading!! GO GO GO!!

Author: this is before she left the storage room from previous chapter when she put the receiver down and hide the transponder in boxes hide. By cloth

Recap previous chapter

We sailed out for the next island, trying not to rush because the log pose take times for it to record the magnetic field on other island

I was storage room looking for mechanicals material for me to repair the ship mast that Luffy broken since usopp's metal he use wasn't really quite stable, I felt bad for the ship because the Captain of the ship was a careless dumbass

The only material I could find was thick metal and has sea prism nails right beside it, there's no other nails than it so I guess I have to make my own

I'm used to inventing and carpentry even though I never really repair a ship only small boats

'maybe I'll fix the mast later.. everyone is outside, I should check on them before anything on ship got broken again.'

When I step outside everyone's gaze was at me. Some look suprise and relieved. Sanji was about to give me a big hug but Nami run to me first. She whined about this island name isn't what like the name says.

She cried onto my shoulder felt bit better, Zoro groan when she worried about me when she is the one says I am not dead yet. That proceed her to hit him twice, I awkwardly smile at his condition.

Sanji got back from the floor and cooed over me telling he was glad I'm fine after math, those injuries were serious but my regeneration potion able to heal it two times faster. If they didn't change my bandage with the ones I pour the regeneration on I'll be dead as good

Usopp relieved and confused how'd I got recovered from those that quickly, I showed him that I was fine by swinging  my arms around with grin


"This is little garden isn't it." Zoro glance at me, I just shrug at him and tilted my head to the sides a little

"You tell me" I rest my arm on the railing looking towards the tall trees

I can hear Luffy being ready to get to the island after Sanji help him pack his lunch, vivi follow behind him while Nami and usopp still complaining about the island ~giving bad vibes sort of things~

"You two surely don't like adventures ay?" My hand support holding my face, seating on upper deck while I watch them whine

Zoro was about to go in the island too but got stopped by Sanji who was asking to bring food sources. Then he started to mock Sanji which make it a competition who bring most big meat they can find.

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