Nightmare x Error

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Nightmare: I woke up to rocks being thrown at my window. I groaned and opened the window. One rock hit my eye. "Agh! What the fuck?!" I looked down to see Error. "Error..?"

Error: I was throwing rocks at Nightmare's Window and accidentally hit him. "Crap I didn't see you there! I'm sorry are you okay?!" I panicked. "I'll get you some ice!" I ran in through the back door and went to the kitchen to grab ice.

Nightmare: I groaned and closed the window. "What was that idiot doing anyways?.." Soon a knock came from my door. I opened the door it was reaper holding a bouquet of flowers. I blushed a little and took the flowers. "Reaper what a sweet surprise. Um.. what's the occasion? It's definitely not my birthday." I chuckled.

Reaper: I smiled softly. "Just some beautiful flowers for a beautiful being is all, is that so bad?"

Nightmare: I blushed more unable to make a comment.

Reaper: I chuckled. "Your so cute Nightmare."

Nightmare: I blushed more and smiled nervously. "A-are you hitting on me Reaper?" Before reaper could say something Error was rushing down the hallway with a ice packet wrapped in a towel.

Error: I ran down the hallway and slowed down seeing Reaper and the flowers in Nightmare's hands. I glared at Reaper for a moment but Reaper just smiled smugly. I sighed and looked at Nightmare. "Nightmare your ice, I'm so sorry about that rock I didn't mean to! I was.. I was trying to make a romantic gesture." I said embarrassed and ashamed a little.

Nightmare: I was touched and used the ice pack I backed up now double embarrassed at all the attention the two were giving me. "What's going on here? Why are you both after me?"

Error and Reaper: "I love you!"

Error: I glared I reaper. "Your get away from him he doesn't need your cheap flowers."

Reaper: "Yeah? So are you saying he needs you to throw another rock at him?!" I crossed my arm glaring at Error.

Error: "It was an accident!"

Reaper: "Yeah, yeah. You still hurt Nightmare."

Error: I growled. "Why do you even want Nightmare?! You know nothing about him, he's my best friend, I know more about him than you. I've never seen you guys hang out."

Reaper: "You think just because you know somebody well that gives you some sort of advantage over my shot? Error I can learn about Nightmare, I can show him I can love him and fill his desires if he wanted." I winked at nightmare and he was surprised.

Error: "Shut up, stop trying to suduce him! Your just- your lying, you don't want nightmare."

Reaper: "Wow, you think so? Now why would you say that?" Error was so close and smart I love it. In fact Error was in fact the whole reason I was taking a "sudden" interest in nightmare. It was never about Nightmare, it was all about making Error Jealous and making him want me instead as he was my ex. I just wanted Error again in my control."

Error: I gulped. "Reaper, enough I can see through you, you have my attention now."

Reaper: I chuckled and got closer to Error. "Bravo my dear, come on take me back Error, it can be just like old times, you and me against the world! No one else to get in the way."

Error: I shook my head. "Reaper, things change and people get in the way no matter what.. plus I'm getting over you I like someone else." I glanced at nightmare blushing a little.

Reaper: I glanced at Nightmare then back at Error. "Him? Are you seriously choosing him over me? Over all our history and secrets? The oblivious Octopus skeleton? You'd really reject a God again? Tch- of course I'd waist my time on you, I don't think people get in the way, I think it was just you Error. Your just a glitch in the system, you don't belong here."

Nightmare: I had enough these two argued for too much and I disliked how Reaper tricked me however I hated him talking bad about Error. I snapped opening a portal behind reaper and I shoved the flowers back at Reaper. "Get out, leave Error's name out of your mouth. Your no longer welcome here." I pushed Reaper into the portal and closed it.

Error: I was surprised by Nightmare's initiative on the situation. I blushed at his actions and words. "Hey.. thanks, how's your eye?" I got closer to take a look at his eye. It looked better.

Nightmare: I blushed at Error getting close to check on my eye. I sighed and smiled. "Better, much better."

Error: Nightmare's smile made my face blow up red and I smiled nervously so embarrassed but happy. "G-good!"

Nightmare: "So Error, you were hitting on me right?~ Does that mean you genuinely like me?" I asked wanting to hear him say it.

Error: "Nightmare.. I-" My face was red. "I love you." I mumbled.

Nightmare: I chuckled. "How shy, come on Error speak up~"

Error: "I love you!" I raised my voice making eye contact with him. Nightmare pulled me closer with his tentacles and picked up my hands. I blushed and intertwined my fingers with his. "N-night?"

Nightmare: I blushed and pulled him closer. "Oh?~ Is my nickname Night now? Cute, I like it Glitchy. Now I gotta admit my feelings, I love you too you idiot, just don't throw no more rocks at me okay?"

Error: I chuckled a little and smiled. "Sure thing, no more rocks I got it." I kissed Nightmare's cheek.

Nightmare: I blushed at the kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Glitchy you missed." Error began to speak. "What do-" I cut him off with a direct passionate kiss on the lips.

Error: Nightmare kissed me passionately and I kissed back. When the kiss ended we were both red. "Damn where have you been all my life?" I chuckled.

Nightmare: I smiled. "Right here waiting for you baby."

The End.

Starring Main Characters:
Nightmare Sans by Joku
Error Sans by LoverofPiggies/CrayonQueen

Lower Roles:
Reaper Sans by Ren

Best Role:
The Rock 🪨

(I used Wheel Decide to make the Ship)
~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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