Geno x Dust

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Geno: I sat in the screensaver before a familiar inky portal opened I stood up. "Ink are you back finally?" I smiled a little as Ink approached me.

Ink: I smiled nervously. "Gee, Geno ya know it's only been 2 days right?"

Geno: "Ah.. no I forgot, I just got too excited with your help I can actually leave this empty place and get out and explore another world. I sighed and looked around. "Ya know I really appreciate that your doing this for me. Reaper won't he says he rather keep me here and visit me just knowing I'd be waiting for him. He says I'll fall for him eventually. No way." I blushed and shook my head annoyed by the thought.

Ink: I chuckled nervously. "I really need to talk to Reaper about that, I swear I'll fight him Geno. Anyways, let's get you out of here." I smiled.

Geno: I took a deep breath. "Okay Ink, I'm ready." Ink nodded and opened a portal we both walked into. Something was wrong it all went wrong. I walk through the portal and fall into the snow with a loud thud without ink. I groaned sitting up but smiled at the snow around me. I knew I'd be here for a while so I could explore while I waited for Ink. I missed the snow and trees and signs of other life.

Ink: We walked through but I walked into the doodle sphere alone. I glanced around. "Geno?.." Oh no he must have got separated. I looked at the aus nervously knowing I needed back up to find him. "I hope your okay Geno, I'll find you eventually." I opened a portal to get help.

Geno: I got up walking around in the snow, and came across some deer walking through the woods as I admired them, before continuing on my own. I was listening to the birds and bugs sing and chirp their sounds, as the snow crunched under my slippers with each step. I thought I heard more snow crunching around me but It stopped when I looked around for any animals. "It's fine Geno, this au is fairly safe so far." I sighed calming myself down before I kept walking. However I didn't long to talk to someone else too.

Dust: I was walking through the forest on perimeter duty when I saw a skeleton in red and white however they seemed lost. I walked closer they seemed to hear me. I ducked behind bushes and waited wondering every passing second if this skeleton was a threat. I wondered if the Star Sanses sent him. He could be valuable I need to detain him. I thought as he began to walk again. I teleported behind him and he turned slightly but I pinned him down with his hands behind his back.

Geno: I heard the sound of teleporting behind me I tried to turn around. I saw a hooded figure before I was pinned down on the snow with my hands behind my back. "Ack- H-hey man what's going on?!" I got no reply. I used magic to turn his soul blue and flung him off me as I pushed myself up and run away.

Dust: The skeleton began to question me which was normal. I thought he would give up easy and let me detain him. He used blue magic on me and flung me off him and into a tree he seemed pretty strong. I groaned as I saw him run. "I always forget to take magic cuffs with me. Damn it, your not getting away so easily I enjoy the chase." I got up just with a headache. I teleported closer before running into him on accident we bumped heads. "Crap!" I grumble in pain stumbling back holding my head watching the other skeleton groan in pain but fall back holding his head.

Geno: I ran and figured out how to untie the ropes the other tied my hands with so I was more able to defend myself. He made a quick rebound it seemed because he teleported in front of me running my way too I couldn't stop running so we ran into each other and bumped heads it was a hard hit, he stumbled backwards groaning and grabbing the side of his head, I fell backwards. "Ow.." I mumbled as I held my head with one hand and looked up at the hooded other. It was definitely a skeleton they reminded me of Classic from Ink's drawings so I mumbled. "Are you Classic Sans?" The skeleton glared at me.

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