Diffrent but same (oikawa tōru)

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Older brother x oc

Miharu was the great king sister youngest sister.

You're were a surprise to all of the family members even takeru you nephew.

He was about 3 years older than miharu

And miharu were 4 years old which makes takeru 7 years old.

As much as oikawa wants to tell the world about you like he with takeru.

He didn't, he decided that he want keep Miharu by himself.

Oikawa was amazing older brother

To see that let get in to the story

Starts with small flashbacks then we get to real thing


Author pov

It was around September when the symptoms of pregnancy happened to Emiko Oikawa.

So both her and her husband went to the doctor as she wanted to confirm that she is pregnant.

Lets say when the doctor say yes she is in one her one month pregnancy, she was very surprised. She didn't really want another child after her last one and thought only two children would enough but nope this little bundle of joy decided to pop up.

Both her and her husband was thrilled but now how does she till their family.

Since her daughter had a child too.

Emiko sigh as she thought on how to tell her family member.

When she called everyone to dinner, she stood up "everyone.. this is actually a suprise for everyone even me but we are having a baby" she said as everyone expect her husband and takeru.

Middle school tōru looked at his mom "im going to be a big brother?" He said which his nodded "yes, buddy. You are" he smiled

Tōro was excited "yes! Im a big brother~" he said.

Tōru promised himself that he will protect her baby sibling and wont tell his best Iwa-chan because he want the baby to himself.

After nine month the baby was born, it was girl. They decided to name her Miharu Oikawa.

Tōru was by her side and whenever she did her first milestone, he was there taking video or pictures.

And when her first word happen, he cried in happiness. What was.

It was every normal day in Oikawa household.

Miharu was just sitting down in her makeshift playpen that filled with soft thing like two pillow and one alien plushie and duck plushie.

Miharu was pouting as she watch her bother watch a match of volleyball and she want his attention.

Miharu huffs "baaaaa!" She scream but he didnt budge so thought of something "n-ni.. n-ni.." she spoke while takeru was watching her who called his uncle.

Takeru decided to video her even tho it was blurry video but it did had a good view of angry pouting miharu calling her ni-chan and a very blurry of tōru watching on the tv.

Later at dinner miharu was fussy and didn't want to be with her brother.

When takeru shows a video that he took, let say Tōru was in trouble and guilty. Guilty that he ignore her baby sister and she miss her first word.

But later at night miharu came to sulky Tōru in the corner and just stay silently by his side lean towards her back falling asleep.

Skip to miharu was 4 years old.

henlo!! (haikyuu x child!reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें