Bye Bye Kiyo-tan

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3rd Person POV

In the soft glow of her room, a 15-year-old girl lounges on her spacious queen-sized bed, her attention captured by the pages of a manga. With a gentle turn, she shifts onto her back, the title of the manga, "Tantei wa mou, shinde iru," catching the light and drawing her deeper into its world.

Now, as we observe her closely, we notice the girl's striking appearance. Her long, silky chestnut hair cascades around her shoulders, framing her face adorned with golden-colored eyes and features reminiscent of a goddess. Beneath her right eye, a delicate mole adds a touch of allure to her already beautiful visage. With a well-endowed physique and a height of 5'5", above average for her age, she exudes an air of grace and confidence. Despite her muscular build, her figure appears effortlessly elegant, adding to her overall aura of extraordinary beauty.

Draped in a black oversized hoodie that extends down to her thighs, she conceals her shorts underneath. The words "Papa's Angel" are emblazoned across the front of the hoodie, adding a touch of personal flair to her attire.

Lost in the world of her manga, she murmurs absentmindedly, "Siesta is cool," as she delves deeper into the pages. After a few moments, a knock interrupts her reverie, prompting her to quickly adjust her clothes and sit upright on the bed with poise and elegance.

"Come in," she utters in her soothing voice, inviting the visitor into her sanctuary.

The door creaks open, revealing an old man adorned in butler's attire, his face adorned with a gentle smile as he steps into the room.

"Sorry to disturb you, Kiyoko-sama," the old man says with a nervous smile, his tone apologetic.

"It's alright, Matsuo-san," Kiyoko responds gently, her voice calm and reassuring. Matsuo bows in acknowledgment of her understanding.

"Master is expecting you in the living room shortly," Matsuo says, raising his head slightly.

"Alright, Matsuo-san," Kiyoko responds with a smile. "You should know by now, raise your head. How many times do I have to tell you?" she chides gently.

"I can't, Kiyoko-sama," the butler says with a slight smile, his loyalty to his ojou-sama evident in his demeanor.

Kiyoko lets out a sigh, understanding that her butler won't follow that order, as her father had given it to him strictly.

"I take my leave, Kiyoko-sama," Matsuo says, opening the door and bowing slightly before exiting. He closes the door behind him, leaving Kiyoko to her thoughts..

Kiyo POV

"What does Papa want now?" I sighed, frustration evident in my voice. He had already denied my permission to attend high school.

But then I threatened him yesterday, saying that 'I won't talk to Papa ever again', recalling the dramatic moment when I ran away with fake tears streaming down my face.

"Is he... going to do what I think he is?" I said to myself with a slight surprise and a hint of happiness in my expression.

"No, knowing him, he would rather I won't talk to him than I leave outside to this so-called danger society," I thought, shaking my head slightly.

I walk into my spacious bathroom, taking note of its size, and check the temperature of the water in the bathtub. Satisfied, I peel off my shorts and then my hoodie, leaving me only in my undergarments. Glancing at my firm abs in the mirror, I nod in approval. "Good," I think to myself as I finally strip off my undergarments, leaving myself naked.

I lower myself into the bathtub, allowing the warm water to envelop my body while keeping my head above the surface. "*Phew*," I exhale audibly, the sound echoing in the spacious bathroom. Memories flood my mind, reminding me why my father always refuses to let me venture outside.

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