Mike's Flashback

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~Mikes P.O.V~
After the new kid Jeremy told me his name my head started hurting like shit. I heard the kid ask me if I was okay or not but I just nodded. I sat down for a little bit and everything went black. I was still awake I just was like in a dream or something. But in this..."Dream" it was almost like rewinding. Like it was a flashback but it was going backwards like you rewind something when your watching a movie.

In the "Dream" it was when Foxy bit me. And I saw Jeremy in the background trying to get over to me but his mom grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the car. But when I saw Jeremy it went black and it showed him being abused as he grew up. He took his sister back to the pizzeria to find me but he lost her. He was forced to leave and I don't think his dad ever knew about her. But what happened to his mom? Is this the new kid? It went black and showed a faint image of him visiting a grave and putting a flower by it.

I came back to reality and Jeremy was freaking out.
"Woah kid calm down I'm not dead" I said
"S-sorry mr. Schmidt" Jeremy said.

"Excuse me but can I ask you something?" I asked
Jeremy nodded but he looked as in a hurt which the shift started in about 5 minutes
"Do you have a sister?" I asked him

He paused and looked away.
"W-why do you a-ask?" Jeremy said
"Uh I'm curious" I said
Jeremy took a deep breath and said
"I used to have one"
We looked at each other then heard heavy foot steps coming down the hall way. I looked at the time. Shit it was 1 after 12. That means the killer animatronics come after you at 12. I flicked the flashlight to make the animatronic go away.

"Your welcome" I said
"T-thank you Mr. Schmidt" Jeremy said
"Yea whatever"

This kid wasn't going to last the first night.

"Hey kid I got some uh important family things going on and I'm gonna have to leave you here" I said. You know like a liar.

"W-what?! Y-you can't leave me here!" The shy teen said
"Listen put this mask on if they come in the office, shine the flashlight if they're in the hall, and check the cameras to know where they are. Oh one more thing you better watch fuck boy and the doll thing." I told him

"Excuse me the what boy?"he asked "and what doll thing?"
"Balloon kid bitch thing. And wind up the music box so the doll thing won't come out. Look your a natural your gonna do fine" I said

"Uh okay t-thanks Mr. Schmidt" said Jeremy

I started to walk out the door but I started to think.

"His sisters gone, his mom I think is gone, he's abused by his dad. Maybe I should stay here with him." I thought
My dad left me and my mom died and no one was there for me! And I'm fine! He just needs to man up and face some kids animatronics. It's not that hard.

Then I heard him scream.

Finding You -JeremikeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora