The Bite

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~Jeremy's P.O.V~

I was sitting alone at the table and a kid came up and scared me but I think he was trying to be my friend. He said his name was Mikey. Since being my shy self I told him my name and he showed me his other friends. There names were Faith and Violet. Faith didn't seem to like me that much. Mikey stood up for me a little and he even asked if we wanted to be pirate buddies! I said yes because he actually seemed to wanna be friends and I've never had a friend. He gave me a sword and a hook but I just used the sword but I didn't like it because I didn't want to hurt anyone. Before I knew it I heard Freddy calling out Foxy's show time. "Come on Jeremy! Let's go see Foxy!" He said as he ran forward pirates cove. I tried to catch up with him but a lot of the kids pushed me and I lost Mikey. "M-Mikey?" I yelled. I tried to get my way over to the front but it was impossible.

~Mikes P.O.V~

I heard Freddy call out that it was time for Foxy's show. I got excited and ran forwards pirates cove were foxy was. I yelled for Jeremy to follow me but I lost him and I didn't realize it. I saw a man telling me to come over to him. I walked over to him. "Hey kid, if you go up to Foxy and tell him that your his hero he will let you be on his crew" the man told me. "Really?" I asked "yea! He will even give you a gift" he added. I turned around and saw that Violet and Faith was gone and the man had stains on his shirt but I wanted to tell Foxy what the man told me. I turned around to say thanks but the man want there.

I walked up to Foxy. "y-y-yarr Mikey ye come here for not being scared of ol Foxy" foxy said. "Why would I be scared of you? Your my hero!" I told him. "Hero?" Foxy asked. "Yeah! You're a brave and strong pirate! I want to be a big and strong when I grow up too! I said. "you are a brave lil pirate Mikey!" "Really?" I asked "Arrr I'd hire ye to be on my hearty crew! What do ye say Mikey?" Foxy said. "Kid!" I heard a voice call out, I just ignored it "Your not supposed to be that close to Foxy!" The voice said. Foxy hovered over me and his eyes turned black. "Foxy?" Then it all went black.

~Jeremy's P.O.V~

I had to try and get over to Mikey. But how? *has idea* I could crawl underneath everyone. For some reason I had a feeling something was going to happen to Mikey. I had to find him. But as soon as I saw him, I heard a thud and everyone ran. Everyone screamed, everyone fled out the door and I felt my mom grab my hand and before I knew it I was in the car and I saw the police and ambulance outside the pizzeria.

Finding You -JeremikeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang