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WOKEN UP BY a sudden jerk, Daksh squinted his eyes as it wasn't hard to look around since the room was already darkened

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WOKEN UP BY a sudden jerk, Daksh squinted his eyes as it wasn't hard to look around since the room was already darkened. He slowly opened his eyes to find himself on top of someone.

He looked at the person's face and found her looking at him already. Helding a strong eye contact with each other, she passed him a smile after a while.

Viti had woken up about half an hour ago. She checked the time and it was eight at night. They had slept throughout the day and only woke up on late evening. She don't complain though.

From what she remembered, the scene she witnessed and the mess she saw Daksh being, she believe he deserved this sleep.

On the other hand, Daksh was internally panicking on how will she react to his impulsive confession he made some hours back and then slept on her.

He worried that the only person treating him with some decency will turn against him as well. Or worse, would think of him as a freak. So he did what he thought was the most right thing on the moment.

He detached himself from her as soon as he came back in his senses. Fear tensed up his mind as he scooted more far away from her. So now their position was, he was sitting on one edge with a pillow tightly held in his hands and she was lying in the same spot, trying to decipher what just happened.

She, slowly approached his side. He was facing downwards. She held his chin and made him look up and at her eyes.

He did, and their were tears in his. She wondered what happened.

"Daksh? What's wrong?" She asked in the utmost polite tone she could and he almost bursted in tears again.

"I..I am s..sorry. I shouldn't have...told you all that I...all that I said." His tone and insecurity broke something in Viti's heart. She has never seen someone so vulnerable as his and it made her sad. He just doesn't deserve this all.

"Hey hey listen buddy. You did nothing wrong by telling me all of that. You had to let go of it someday by telling somebody. I'm glad you chose me to tell." She said and hold his hand. He visibly let out a breath, more like a sigh of relief.

"You...aren't you weirded out? Or don't you think I'm a freak?" He asked. Insecurities lurking thru his voice and eyes.

"Not at all! Are you stupid? I mean... Why would I think such things when in reality you are just an adorable guy who looks cute while sleeping?" She said and bite her tongue when she realised what she said.

Being an outspoken person have its own cons. Like you say whatever comes in your mind without caring much about the consequences.

While Daksh's ears turned red along with his neck, Viti smiled nervously at him before making her way out of the bed, towards the washroom to get fresh and make dinner for the two.

"Wait." Daksh said and Viti slowly turned towards him.

"Thank you." His eyes had sincerity in them only. And he also looked much relieved and humane in comparison to when Viti first saw him with the knife in hand. This made a small smile make place on Viti's face as well and she nodded happily.

And then, made her way inside the bathroom, leaving the boy on the bed.

Viti's work was to start in two days. But she extended her work date until Wednesday. So now, she will join from Thursday. All of this for the boy whose been clinging to her since the crying incidence. Not that she complaint though.

"Arrey! You are still here? I thought you went back to sleep?" It was Monday, two days after the incidence. And Daksh was standing behind Viti. He flinched hearing her voice and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry. I uhh..wanted to ask you something." He said while rubbing his neck.

Stop it Viti.

She scolded herself before shrugging and looking at her. He was looking at her weirdly before she smiled and encouraged him to ask whatever it was.

"You...are here for work, right? So when are you starting your work? And umm...where are you from? I mean, I don't know anything about you and I..I was just curious. You know, if you're comfortable.." he was clearly rambling and Viti wanted to laugh at his face.

But resisted before nodding and started telling him about herself. They didn't even realised how the time flew by and it was almost midnight.

"Haha...that's so clever but. I would love to meet Tejas." Daksh said, clearly enjoying Viti's life experiences. He always loved to hear normal experiences and hers were amazing. It felt like he belonged to another planet, but still he enjoyed nonthless.

"Yea yea...but lemme warn you. He's a little monster. So beware." She said and they let out another laugh. She loved watching him so carefree and enjoying his time.

She wondered if she could see this side of him much.

However, as her gaze fell on the wall on the clock, she realised it was past midnight.

"I think we should go and sleep now. It's almost one." She said and saw how Daksh's face changed drastically. She recalled the memories from all the time she heard his voices from his room, as if he was having some sort of nightmare. She realised he even despises sleep.

"Umm...if you want, you can probably sleep in my room?" She asked and looked at him. He snapped his head at her and saw her face didn't even show one bit of sarcasm or lie.

He hesitated for a few moments before nodding, knowing well how he couldn't get sleep in his room at all.

"But why?" He asked as soon as they entered her room.

"What?" She asked back, looking dumbfounded.

"Why are you doing this all for me. Aren't we practically strangers?" His face show the clear confusion on it and Viti sighed.

"First, we aren't strangers anymore. You know all about me and so do I about you.

Second, I myself don't know why I'm doing this all. Maybe because I want to." She said and made her way towards the cupboard to get another set of blanket for him to sleep.

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