Chapter 26 | Manon

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We entered the cabin as the sun went down. It was spring, but the temperature had dropped, something Dorian quickly addressed with his magic.

The cabin wasn't large, but it was undeniably cozy, perhaps more so than any place I had ever been. Built with wood, despite its age, it was perfectly preserved.

It seemed as if time hadn't touched the interior, frozen since the day Asterin's love died. There was a plate on the table, extinguished firewood in the brazier, clothes in the closet, even one of Asterin's hair ties in a drawer. I didn't know where the lumberjack was buried, but I would love to take it to his grave, letting a part of her rest with him. I would think about that later.

I didn't like touching things in someone else's home, especially this one, but we ended up arranging everything to spend the night. It felt like invading the privacy of its former owners, yet, at the same time, it felt more like home than any place we had ever been. I had never had a home, always moving from one place to another. Even though Dorian had one, after recent events, the castle no longer felt comfortable for him.

"I brought some food. Are you up for dinner?"
"Well, surprise me. What's on the menu?"
"You see, in my intense training as a ruthless assassin, cooking wasn't included, and... I can guess it wasn't part of the education of the continent's King either..." Dorian gestured, as if offended, making me laugh. "I brought some..."
"Let me guess," he interrupted. "Cheese?" His assumption made me laugh.
"Well, yes, I brought cheese because it's the most delicious thing in the world, and it seems there are some highly coveted ones in the Wastes." I said confidently, recalling what Ansel had told me when I asked her about provisions.

"Oh, I can't wait to indulge in those cheeses."
"Well, I know the palace offers definitely better dining, but I've also brought artisan bread, seasoned meats, and only if you dare, we can make eggs to accompany."
"I think you've underestimated me with your previous statements, witchling. I make the best scrambled eggs in Adarlan." He said proudly.
"Do you really know how to cook?" I was genuinely impressed that the young reveler and womanizer had taken the time or interest to make scrambled eggs.
"Surprised?" he chuckled. "You'll be begging me to be your husband after trying them."

His comment caught me off guard. Did he want Dorian to be my husband? Seeing that I didn't respond, he quickly approached me.

"Manon, I... I was joking. You don't have to say anything about that," he said while affectionately holding my shoulders.
"Would you like to?" I wanted to know if it was something he truly considered. I didn't like discussing these things; I knew my limitations, but... I don't know, at that moment, I felt like talking about it.
"To be your husband?" He looked down at me with his height. "Well, Manon, you know that if I didn't have to do what I had to do in the past... and I swear, I was about to throw everything to hell and be the most selfish person in the world, of course, I would have said yes. Even knowing that it condemned the damn continent, even knowing that you might not truly want... but I'll never force you into anything, never tie you to anything..." I couldn't resist; I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

Dinner took a back seat, and several hours later, we remembered we were halfway through making dinner. We set the table on the porch, and I indeed experienced what would become my favorite meal – scrambled eggs with cheese.

"It feels good to be away from the palace, not thinking about what we must do, at least for a few hours..."
"Yeah, I never thought I'd end up being the queen of witches, and although... it's an honor, it's tremendously exhausting..."
"Do you know anything new about the attacks?"
"Not much. Everything went smoothly with Ansel; we talked about trades and they suggested monitoring the borders... nothing that made me suspicious."
"We'll find them, I promise," he said, looking me in the eyes, and I believed him. I nodded.

"Tomorrow I'll leave early. I have to meet with the count to go over some things in the afternoon. I hope you don't mind."
"No, of course not. Tomorrow everyone will be back, and I need to be early to gather information and continue the search."
"It sucks, doesn't it? Going back to the same old, knowing that here it can just be us..."
"Yeah, it is. But we can come here whenever we want. I don't think anyone will claim this cabin..."
"There's another option..."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I wanted to tell you a few months ago when you came to Rithfold... Do you remember how I managed to change shape?" He looked at me intensely as if about to tell me something tremendously important.
"Yes, at the Crochans' camp, you killed her..."
"Yes, for trying to kill you and threaten you," he had never told me that, and it surprised me a lot, "but before that... I don't know how to explain it, but... I touched her power. I took it from her. That's how I could change shape."
"You stole... her power? Is that even possible?"
"Well, it seems so. I don't know how I did it; it was... instinctive."
"Well, that's... impressive, Dorian."
"But that wasn't the only time I did it," he looked at me really confused; it was already quite a shocking piece of information, making him able to steal powers just made him even more powerful, "remember when I was in Morath, with Maeve?"
"Yes, Dorian, I remember everything, tell me already," I was anxious, and he noticed, which amused him, and I didn't know why.
"Well, Maeve had a very interesting power." He made a dramatic pause to observe my face. "She could open portals wherever she wanted."
"How? Are you telling me that you can do that now? And you've known since Morath?" I just nodded; I didn't know what to say.
"Yes, I had never tried it until the other day. I managed to set up a portal between my room and where Vesta was. Then I closed it. It was difficult at first, but now I know how to do it."

I was incredibly impressed. All this time, he... could do that, and well, it changed a lot of things. Dorian's power was incredible, but it reached limits I never imagined. I didn't know what to say; I could only look at him.

"Well, I wanted to tell you when we first saw each other because... well... I don't want to be without seeing you for so long, Manon. I know it's complicated; we have many responsibilities, but maybe... and only if you want, I could create a portal between Rithfold and your castle, wherever you want. It would be safe, but..."
"Do it."
"Manon, you can think about it; you don't have to decide now. I understand it could be complicated. We could even make two portals that bring us here. You can decide, take your time..."
"I'd like to, to... see you every day." He smiled, was happy, and well... so was I; this certainly changed things, at least made them easier.
"Then we'll do it. We have to think about where, it has to be a safe place, and above all, no one can know. Only people we trust completely."
"Agreed. In a few days, I'll send you a letter, formally asking you to come to Witchland for some meetings. I'll show you the castle, and we'll find the place, okay?" As I finished speaking, he approached me, took my face in his hands, and kissed me.
"Agreed, witchling."

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