05: Depths of Shadows in Shadows

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"What the fuck happened to them?"

Palpable tension was all there was in the previously silent medic room.
On two beds that sat next to each other, divided only by a light blue curtain made of thin material, laid two unconscious figures, one of which  could be seen wrapped in bandages all over his body.

The person that had asked the question, a faux blonde and brown eyed man, furrowed his brows and crossed his arms, his lips pressing into a thin line, seemingly in distress or worry. Kuroo shook his head beside him.
"I took a look at his memories, teach. Was a real shit show if I'd ever seen one. Not sure what's going on with him though - it's almost like something is preventing me from peering into his mind." He nodded to the other male that laid on the other bed, the one that was covered head to toe in bandages.

"What happened to Kageyama," a black and curly haired male averted his gaze to the unconscious one in question, his expression as grim as the atmostphere that'd been set upon this room as soon as the two had been brought in for immediate medical attention. It wasn't a question, that much was obvious - it was a demand.
Kuroo let out a sigh, reluctant to share the information but eventually decided to comply.

"He was put in some sort of powerful hallucination slash illusion. There he witnessed...unfathomable things, I don't know how to put it. He-"

"-was induced with inexplicable terror and panic and witnessed a massacre of our own executed by the blasted things," the ravenette, Kiyoomi, finished. Kuroo was taken back for a moment or two, before it dawned on him that the former had powers related to the mind.

"Contact a psychologist that knows what they're doing," Kiyoomi ordered, his sharp gaze directed to Kuroo, who nodded. The former then turned to Hinata, the only other person that was in the room.

"Authorize and organize a search party to look for Kenma, Akaashi and Bokuto. I'm going to find out just what the hell happened."

"Yes sir."


"It's just about time. Things are changing, for the worse," Kiyoomi reported in the conference that was being held with all the teachers of the Academy, his hands clenching into fists and his knuckles starting to turn white.

"Two days prior, a new student by the name of Kageyama Tobio was put into an ultra realistic hallucination via unknown means in the midst of his mock battle with the Three. One thing is certain though: the hallucination slash illusion was caused by the beasts that are still continuing to adapt to our defenses."

He paused, letting the news sink in, before continuing on.

"I viewed his memories, I found out just what the hell those creatures are and what they intend to do. The situation is far worse than we anticipated it to be, as much as I hate to say it." He closed his eyes as murmurs and mutters began to break out within the staff across the room.

Kita narrowed his eyes, straightening in his seat in evident attentiveness.
"Go on." Those two words were enough to completely silence the room once more.

"Remember my cousin? Komori Motoya? He had the power of illusion. He could implement powerful illusions and hallucinations and everything in between, and the thing that caused Kageyama's had the exact same power. So if I'm not mistaken..."

Kita's eyes doubled in size, as did everyone else's, at the comprehension of the indication of the statement.
"You're essentially saying that...?" He swallowed hard, and cleared his throat. "...do you have any validation for this particular claim?"

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