03: Black Out

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"You may begin

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"You may begin."

The voice belonging to the person who must be Kita echoed throughout the entire battlefield, loud and clear as day, signifying the immediate commencement of the three way fight.

Immediately, a crow could be seen by all taking to the skies and once it seemingly decided it was high enough, tendrils of black mist wrapped around it and not even a full five seconds later, the mist formed itself into a silhouette of a human, who stood in place of the bird, being kept afloat by two large crow wings on his back.

The silhouette took the form of a familiar orange haired male, who grinned as he lifted a hand above his head. Instantly, the clear blue sky within the barriers of the battlefield darkened significantly to a dark hue of grey, with matching dark clouds gathering overhead. Thunder cackled, and soon, strikes of lightning were being sent down to the Earth.

"Much like yourself," Akaashi spoke, as he quickly pulled his teammate against the surface of a brick wall next to him just as a lightning bolt struck down on his former place.
"Hinata-kun has the ability to control natural weather forces. I highly recommend that you don't use that power of yours, otherwise it will clash with Hinata's and that'll not end well, since he undoubtedly has much more control and experience over that ability."

Kageyama could only nod once firmly, determined to heed the veteran's advice. "Right."

"Good," The other replied, before running off seemingly in a random direction, his partner right behind him. "Now let's go find some asses to kick."

As they ran on the rubble filled concrete ground, a golden light shimmered somewhere amongst the dark skies. Kageyama's eyes widened as he caught sight of a colossal compass manifesting within that light within mere seconds, standing out from all the grey clouds due to its sheer brightness. It was almost blinding.

Seeing his puzzled yet awed expression, Akaashi chuckled lightly, going on to explain that it was Kuroo's doing.
"Mm, yeah he has sixteen powers in his arsenal, four main ones and twelve derivatives," He explained, smiling at the other's shocked and almost horrified expression. "Even so, he should be the least of our worries.
Not with Hinata still on the radar."

"Then I take it he's ranked one, whatever that means?"

"Correct. Out of the three of us, he's the most compatible in battle and the most powerful weapon this academy has to offer, even if it doesn't seem like it at first glance. In terms of overall power, capability and compatibility in battle, I'd come after him, and then Kuroo."

"I see," Kageyama replied as he was barely able to evade another lightning bolt, while Akaashi seemed like he was dodging with ease. "So then, if you don't mind me asking, what's your power, Akaashi-san?"

"I call it Adaptation Intellect," The male in question answered, sprinting towards a ruined brick wall and placing a hand on its top surface once close enough, then using that as leverage to effectively jump over the obstacle, with his partner joining him shortly after.

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