02: The Three

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One day later

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One day later

"LOTUS Academy is not a high school nor it is a college. It is an honourable institution constructed to train the gifted for the greater good, to produce protectors that will serve nothing but justice against the entitled creatures who dares to plague our homeland. We sincerely hope that you are all fully aware of what you have signed up for," The man, now identified as Kuroo, spoke out to the group of around fifty seated on the grass before him.

"Dedicating and putting your lives on the line to fight creatures that are not of this world is no easy task. So rather back out now, sooner rather than later."
Not a single soul moved an inch; all was silent and eerily still, either intimidated by the tone of this man to make a move or determined to do this.

"Each name signed up here," Another male spoke up, gesturing to a poster attached to a pole to the side. He was much shorter than Kuroo, standing at around 5,5, and had bright orange, messy hair and round brown eyes. A rather large crow could be seen perched on his right shoulder, silent as the audience before them.

"Could make the difference of a life being claimed or saved. Please, think this through before you make a final decision."

The last male on stage stepped forward, narrowing his blue eyes as the wind softly blew his messy, short raven hair around, slightly messing it more than it already was.

"Those who decide to go through with this...we commend your bravery and your wits. Deciding to back out does not make you a coward, for this matter is not only life threatening, but offers serious consequences if not handled properly, thus making it a high pressure job. Make your decision now; if you wish to dedicate your life to saving that of others, please register your name and ability on the poster right over here, and if you wish to not not proceed, please exit this area in an orderly fashion. Thank you."

The trio disappeared behind the stage curtains in unspoken agreement almost as soon as he had concluded his speech, providing their recruits time to make a life changing decision.

"What are we hoping for?" The orange haired male questioned Kuroo as soon as they were out of sight.
The latter released a sigh, lifting a hand to rub his forehead and squeezing his eyes shut, as if stressed about something.

"At least half of them. Three quarters would be great, but it's unlikely," he answered. "They're getting stronger. Surely I wasn't the only one who noticed that yesterday? Akaashi, you're the intellectual one. Haven't you noticed?"

Akaashi, the other ravenette, nodded as a response. "Mhm. I could name several differences right now. Their durability has improved drastically, as did their endurance. Resistance to attacks has also proved to improve in significant amounts, and suddenly, weaknesses became so much harder to exploit. Even with my Adaptation Intellect."

"Right," Kuroo agreed, opening his eyes and averting his gaze to the ceiling. "They're undoubtedly adapting. Adapting to our attacks, adapting to our defenses, adapting to our everything. They're eventually going to grow completely immune to all this, and everything's going to crumble like they never existed in the first goddamn place."

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