outbreak day

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" Lori help the kids pack, take clothes, water, and food, the gun is in the safe, and make sure to grab the first aid, and jumpers, jus- just grab anything you can carry, Shane is on his way he will help you, I'm going to get Dad," voice Rory panicked on the phone to Lori who was a stuttering mess "please make sure the boys are safe, don't worry about my bag, I'll pack when I get there be ready, tell them I'll be there soon," she finished throwing the phone to the ground, the phone was the least of her worries

Rory sped down the main street dodging fleeing families and cars that wouldn't move fast enough for her to get past

Get dad
Get the kids
Get out

was replaying in her mind like a broken record, her heart racing so fast she thought that if her mind and body didn't keep up with it her heart would leave without them she didn't even bother to worry about the fact that everyone was running in the opposite direction to which she was driving, she didn't care, her father was in that hospital, she needed to get there.

Get dad
Get the kids
Get out

never in Aurora's 23 years of life did she think she would find herself in this situation, a fucking apocalypse, who would have thought

she pulled up in front of the hospital not even bothering to park the car or turn it off she jumped out of the driver's side door, sped into the front door she shoved bodies of running people out of her way, not even bothering to apologize

Get dad
Get the kids
Get out

she knew the way to her father's room like the back of her hand, she had been there every day for just over a month, there were two ways to the room, one was already blocked off by people running around screaming and crying and dead people on the ground, so Aurora took the other hallway, the one that only had half that amount

she ran as fast as her legs would take her while trying her best not to listen to the screaming and gunshot in the distance, she felt she was finally able to slow the beating of her heart to a normal pace, but that plan soon went to shit when she suddenly felt a cold and terrifying grip on her arm, turning around she to saw a dead one griping roughly causing her to let out a shriek,  quickly she tried trying to bash it off but soon realized it wasn't working as well as she hoped it would, letting out another yell of fear she lifted up her leg and kicked the rotting corpse in the ribs, she didn't realize just how rotten its body was, for when her foot made contact with the body, her foot sunk into its chest, covering her once clean white shoes in rotting stinking guts, making her gag and stumble away

 once she got the creature away from her she looked to the ground to see a broken chair, picking up the base of the chair, she raised it above her shoulder and smacked it in the head,  the force itself sending the creature flying back into the wall, its body making a loud thud as it hit the wall the blonde girl watch black blood smeared everywhere

taking in deep breaths, she stared at it for a moment, she had killed it, something that once had a family, a life, she killed it without hesitation just because she was scared

Get dad
Get the kids
Get out

replayed in her mind causing her to turn and continue running like she was on autopilot, rounding around the corner her eyes laid upon a figure leaving her father's room, assuming the worst she thought it was a walker leaving after finishing his meal, but after staring for a few more seconds, she began to recognize the dark-haired man pushing a bed against the door

feeling a sense of relief that Shane was here, she let a small smile fall on her face as she went to take a step, but even from where she was standing she could see the look of mourning resting on his face

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