Xiii| Pequeno

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Pequeno: Little one

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᴵᴺᴳ : Lover

"Can I go where you go?

Can we always be this close forever and ever?"

Can we always be this close forever and ever?"

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2011— Abu Dhabi

"Okay, now position your hand like this or you'll break your thumb."

"I don't want to break my thumb!"

"Then do as I say," Sebastian smiled.

A young Eilana looked up at Sebastian Vettel with a pout as she stood in the Red Bull hospitality building. They were having quality time together before Eilana was due to spend winter break away from the grid. Sebastian had finished his media duties for the day and was babysitting the young Brazilian while her father was in an interview.

He was teaching her some self-defence lessons...just in case. It was something Miguel had never done with her because he only saw Eilana as his sweet innocent daughter and teaching her self-defence was admitting she wasn't safe. Miguel didn't want her to not feel safe. Sebastian saw the opposite, he knew Eilana would feel safe if she knew how to defend herself.

"I don't want to hurt you, Uncle Seb," Eilana whined.

"You won't hurt him, Eilana," Christian Horner added as he leaned against the wall, watching them. "Seb is tough."

"Just don't punch me in the face," Sebastian warned with a lop-sided smile. "Just aim for my hands."

Sebastian threw up his hands so his palms were facing the young girl, who went to punch them as Sebastian had advised—thumbs on the outside.

"Better!" Sebastian praised as Eilana's first came to contact him with his hands.

"Pai isn't going to be happy you're teaching me this," Eilana joked. "He says there's no need to learn it."

"That's because he still thinks of you as a little Princess, Lana, not a fierce racer," Sebastian replied, winking.

"How is karting going, Eilana?" Christian asked kindly.

"It's great!" Eilana nodded. "I have many friends now. I am just sad there is not much karting in Brazil."

"When you making it to Formula 1, I promise you'll have an amazing time racing in brazil," Christian added with a smile.

"Do you think I'll get here?" Eilana questioned with hopeful eyes.

"We know you will, Lana," Sebastian beamed. "And when you do, I'll look after you like your dad looks after me. Pinky swear."

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