"Yeah...," He responded awkwardly, "Sure."

Smiling, I crawled over beside him and gave him a hug. It was the most awkward hug I had ever experienced. He just sat there, stiff as a board.

Shutting the door behind me, I decided to leave him alone. I tossed the bloody towel into the hamper upon reentering the bathroom. I continued cleaning up.


The evening soon rolled around. I had spent most of the day cleaning and tidying up my apartment. Most of the things I owned had been covered in a thick layer of dust because I never touched them. The apartment almost felt new again.

"Naruto!" I called out, "Come look at how clean it is!"

No response. I walked over and knocked on the door.


Again, there was no answer. I nervously opened the door. A sigh of relief slipped from my lips as I noticed Naruto. He was lying on his bed, his eyes shut, humming along to the loud music blaring through his earphones. I smiled and walked up to him.

"Hey!" I shouted, shoving at his arm.

He jumped up, ripping his earphones out.

"Jesus christ! You scared the shit outta me! Don't do that!" He complained, swatting back at me.

"Sorry!" I whined, dodging his flailing arm. "I just wanted to let you know I was gonna head out."

"Where to?"

"Sakura's place."

"Wait, what?"

"I'm going to Sakura's..."

He looked at me with a bitter expression that made me smile.

"Don't be so jealous," I smirked, stepping closer to him. "I'll be back soon, then we can hang out all night together."

I leaned in and kissed his forehead. He still looked tense. I continued to reassure him that there wasn't anything romantic going on between Sakura and I as I headed out the door.


It was getting darker by the time I made it to Sakura's place. I decided we could finally continue our conversation from the party without interruption. And now I wouldn't have to rewrite my letter to her.

I knocked on the door and waited... And waited... I knocked again, even harder. I continued to wait. Was she not home? I suppose I should have called before I came over. I sighed and tried the knob before I gave up. It turned and I jerked back in shock.

The door slowly opened and my heart sank. She forgot to lock her door before she headed out? I stepped inside anyway. Maybe I could just wait for her to return.

I walked around the house to distract my boredom before she got back. The living room was dimly lit by a lamp in the corner. Small lights were on in the kitchen. I frowned in disappointment upon noticing the unfinished cup of tea on the counter. She must have forgotten she even made it.

Stepping back into the living room, I spotted her phone sitting on the coffee table.

"What?" I thought to myself, "Sakura would never leave home without her phone..."

It was a little late, but it wasn't like I showed up at midnight. I thought she may have already gone to bed. Quite dangerous to sleep without her front door locked... I mean, I got into her house...

I made my way over to her bedroom door. I sighed. Why did I have to be the one sneaking into to people's rooms while they sleep. It makes me look like such a pervert.

I snuck into her room and closed the door to a crack. A sliver of dimmed light shone in. I swallowed nervously and took a deep breath. What will she think, finding me sneaking into her house? And into her room?!

I poked the back of her head. Most of her body and face were covered under the blankets. I rudely poked her even harder. She still didn't wake up. I shook her and still no response.

I didn't want to remove the blankets in fear that she would only be in her underwear... Or even... Naked. My ears pulled back and I blushed.

No. I smacked my head and walked over to the other side of the bed to see her face. It was quite dark in her room. The blinds were shut too. I poked her face, unable to see where I was touching her. It was her nose. Maybe if I stuck my finger in her nose... What?! No.

I decided that the consequences wouldn't be that bad if she happened to only be in her underwear. I gulped and threw the blankets aside and onto the floor.


I sat there in fear... What is that? In the dark, I noticed the bedding was a much darker color... And damp too. Blood? Was she on her period? No, there isn't that much blood...

"Sakura?" I asked, shaking her.

"Sakura?!" I asked louder, shaking her body violently back and forth.

My heart dropped and I backed up into the wall. No. No, this can't be happening.

"Sakura!" I yelled at her, rushing back over to feel her pulse... Nothing.

I dropped onto the floor, tears began streaming out of my eyes, "This isn't real! She can't be!"

I hurried out of the dark room in fear that I may be in danger and ran out of the house. Dialing 911 as I ran down the steps outside.

Sirens were heard coming my way. I couldn't believe this. She was dead? Murdered?! The police and an ambulance arrived at her house. I began explaining everything that happened when I entered the house.

Had an hour passed yet? Was it less or more? The time felt like it went by so slowly. I was forcing my eyes to stay open as I sat in the back of the ambulance. I had been questioned by multiple police officers now. I hope they didn't take me in as a suspect, but they probably would.

What was I going to tell Naruto? I leaned over and asked one of the officers if it was okay for me to call him. My voice cracked as I had not spoken in a while and felt practically numb all over. The officer told me it was acceptable, but they wanted me to put it on speaker phone.

"Great...," I thought to myself, "They do suspect me."

I waited while the tone buzzed for Naruto to pick up. We waited a while longer as it continued to ring. Maybe he was asleep, it was quite late now. A moment later and it went to voice mail. He didn't answer. I put my phone away and leaned my head against the side of the truck.

My eyes followed the police officers and paramedics that walked in and out of Sakura's house. Just like counting sheep, I soon fell asleep.

[A/N: So? What do you think so far? You like it? :) I'm hoping to get the next chapter up soon. For now, I need to get some sleep bc it is 2:00 in the morning and Sasuke is making me tired lol]

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