The Search Begins! (Part 2)

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"Well, the authorities are doing everything they can. Maybe we could use our influence to spread the word?" Bruce said.

"That's a great idea, Bruce. We could do a social media campaign, get our fans involved. The more people who know about Erica, the better." Vinnie said but then he got thinking. "But, Eric never introduced his daughter to his fans yet. So, how can we speard the news?" Vinnie asked.

"I got it! I can reach out to some of our contacts in the media as well. The more exposure this gets, the higher the chances of someone recognizing Erica." Peter said.

"That sounds like a plan. Let's all do our part and hopefully, we can bring Erica home safely." Bruce said.

"Huh, well if it's for Eric. Then, we're in this together, just like the old times. Let's do this, for Eric and for Erica." Vinnie said.

"Agreed. We won't rest until Erica is found. Let's get to work, guys." Peter said.


The police tech team were still working on locating the signal from the necklace. Bruce, Vinnie and Peter were on high alert.

Bruce's phone suddenly buzzed. ", It's Eric. He just texted me something." Bruce said as he pulled out his phone and texted Eric back.

Eric: Hey, man. The concert not over yet. Is there any news so far?

Bruce: Sorry, Eric. But, no.

Eric: Got it. I'll focus back on the concert then.

Bruce: Break a leg!


As they waited for the signal from the necklace, Eric found himself behind his drum set. The rhythm of his heart echoed in his beats, each one a call out to his daughter. The band stood by him, their music a symphony of hope and determination.

After the concert, all of them walked back towards the dressing room.

Then, Gene switched on the television and the News was on.

"Hey, Eric! Look, man. There talking about your daughter. Maybe, this way we can get all the help we can get from our fans." Gene said as Eric quickly ran and sat next to Gene on the couch.


~The News~

BREAKING NEWS: Eric Carr's Daughter Reported Missing

In a shocking turn of events, the daughter of renowned musician Eric Carr has been reported missing, leaving the community and fans in a state of deep concern. A two year old, named Erica Cordelia Foxy Carravello was last seen at the dressing room of the band KISS in the early afternoon, but has not been heard from since.

Eric Carr, the former drummer of the iconic rock band KISS, has been an influential figure in the music industry for decades. Known for his powerful drumming skills and charismatic stage presence, Carr's fans have always admired his talent and dedication. Now, they rally together in support of him during this distressing time.

According to witnesses, Erica was seen kidnapped by two young gentlemen, towards an unknown location. Friends and family describe her as a bright and vivacious child with a passion for music, just like her father. Erica's disappearance has left her loved ones devastated and desperate for answers.

Local law enforcement agencies have launched an extensive search operation, combing through the surrounding areas and conducting interviews with friends and acquaintances. They are urging anyone with information about Erica's  whereabouts to come forward and assist in the investigation.

As news of Erica's disappearance spreads, fans and well-wishers have taken to social media to express their support for Eric Carr and his family. The hashtag #FindErica has been trending, with countless messages pouring in from all corners of the globe, offering prayers, encouragement, and hopes for her safe return.

Eric Carr's management team has released a statement, expressing their gratitude for the outpouring of love and support from fans. They urge everyone to respect the family's privacy during this difficult time and to continue sharing any information that might aid in finding Erica.

The music community, known for its tight-knit bonds, has come together to organize benefit concerts and fundraisers to raise awareness about Erica's disappearance. Prominent musicians and bands have pledged their support, vowing to use their platforms to spread the message far and wide.

As the search for Erica continues, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for her safe return and a reunion with her worried family. In these trying times, the power of unity and the unwavering support of fans may just be the key to bringing Erica back home.

~The News Ended~

"6 days now, huh?" Eric said, feeling defeated as he left to get some fresh air.

Everyone was silent as they couldn't find the right words to comfort him. Then, Ace stood up and followed Eric outside.

To be continued

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