Start from the beginning

I saw the little sprite wave as I read through the slightly spammed messages. Use the blade...poke out an eye is what I'm assuming. I could never handle a state of gore like that. Papercuts even scared the shit out of me and I have to try this? This felt like a test, a test I didn't want to risk but anyways I'm already pulling the blade from my skirt pocket. This felt like some mind game, I was mindlessly droning the instruction for the sake of happiness. The blade lifted from my my hand to my face closest to the left eye. All Percy was trying to do was count out his needed medical items as I was looming the tip of the blade a little too close for comfort. My stomach churned as I waded for a moment and Percy finally took notice and watched with his paranoid dark eyes.

"Fara, what the hell!" Percy shouted and I was even spooked. Percy yelling was a first, and I hoped for it to be a last. There was a jump from me but the worst part was my arm thrusting forward. There was a small sting before everythihg started ringing. I felt my blood leak down as my face burnt. The knife punctured through the eyeball but the knife was pulled out. It felt odd that the eye was more like a grape than a solid way to see was interested. Just the feeling of the pop and the scarring was disturbingly satisfying. All this blood had to leak down my face onto the pretty pearly sheets turning into a crimson holographic spectacle.

I was laughing this off. The stress was hitting with the horrendous pain. I thought of the eye as a happy little fountain, horrendous yes. If it were to help the pain, it would keep my sanity after a controlled injury. Percy rushed and loomed over with gloves and everything skin sterile. The ringing in my ears drowned all of this out, I chuckled over the faint questions I couldn't handle slap happy pain. I could still see through foggy and tear filled as it just felt off that I went through with a request all because of a spook.

I felt that a whole blackout was the best option to minimize pain with a whole brain break. A place of Zen, a world of zero and relaxation. The worst pain in my life from my stupidity just felt the one true moment of peace and release from reality. I still felt the touch and workings. That I thought I still couldn't hope Percy cared and there was a big area of morality if he just had to patch me up or he wanted to genuinely get medical practice while also treating me like a pure human being. I was damned to be half blind by my mistake, I was damned from the start of the party anyway. That woman was a snake to begin with.

Moments, many moments, God. How long would I be in this state of purity and zen. No, no. The sound of the laptop slowly closing with a click, wasn't I supposed to keep that damn piece of junk open? The zen had ended, and I faded back into consciousness. "God, dude- What the hell was that?" I spoke in slurred speech, that damn smile kept showing through. Made me look like a liar, a hypocrite through and through. This condition got me into more trouble than anything, no wonder I'm just a freak of nature.

"You know how stressful that was? I think I have to report this to the administrators and get all this shit replaced." Percy was frustrated, stressing more than anything. I never saw him in this state, and it was all my fault. He was just this chill guy, now it was just a shame on me. When would I even be able to understand what I do makes the world turn upside down and rattle my brains with how bad I am? I groaned, painfully sitting up and feeling where that eye was supposed to be. Patched and sterilized, he knew what he was doing. I think he was stressing more about the dorm looking like a murder scene with blood, blood, and more blood! I had to quickly tuck back my stash taken from Percy, I clearly couldn't stand suspicion any longer. I didn't want to hurt anyone else, and I hoped the tools weren't for the same sick game.


Percy had left again, 4:00 PM. Time had finally flied, my eyes looking more dead and depraved. There was really no hope behind them anymore, I had to stare off while click clacking away on the was more for class scheduling than that dumb little popup at this point.

"OI! Don't think about ignoring me! I've been waiting for hourrrsss..." There it was, the little computer demam popping up in the flesh...or the circuitry. I groaned, staring dead to Anon I.

"What. What now? You got some more useful information for me?" I spoke with bitter sarcasm, wishing I could frown or even express discontent. "Yes! Yes I do! Tick tock, miss Tousman! Seven more minutes, silly little skater is already pn his way back! En route, on time! Y'know, I'm gonna give you a headstart! Juuust listen closely!"

I furrowed my brows at the annoyance on my screen. It was explaining fast, but I somehow understood. God, how could I understand? This is horrible, I couldn't question. This thing was malicious, but there was subtle promise. At least a way to happiness.

"Y'know how I got here, Tousman? Its a little silly thing I created called 'BWTI' orr Brain Wire Transfer Instant! Big words for such a small brain like yours, no offence, but after you...y'know, shtck your friend Percy over there, it's 100% recommended! The proof is there, I worked years when those DAMN professors doubted my knowledge, but now I'm as gleeful as can be, free of charge! Whaddya say?"

I stared off. The promise of new life, and recommended by this stupid thing? It already said enough with they did the gesture of killing off someone but it could be worth it. The police wouldn't take me, but I felt there would be a fathomable amount of guilt even if I was cuffed and thrown in the slammer. I'd rather risk my safety, but I also cared abour Percy. My brain was tired enough, I wanted this thing to leave me alone.


"Great!! Showtime in one! One minute, I'm not a theater nerd. Get that scalpel! Pocket those IV needles! Get ready to TANGO!! HAHA!"

I scattered to collect. The instructions were horrible, I questioned if they were really worth it. I just wanted this DAMN thing to shut up now. It was playing mind games, a real annoyance now. It was giving me stress, I just wanted it to silence itself. I wanted it to go away, if I could ever make it.


The door was opened, was this the showtime the stupid hunk of junk wanted? My fist tightened aroundthe handle on the scapel, the other painfully gripping onto the open IV needles that were digging into my flesh and letting the blood stream in slow, slim rivers. I was tired, a little off the rocker...yes, very off the rocker. Percy locked eyes as soon as.he walked in, I stared right back. He closed the door, his hands shaky. This was all just free entertainment for Anon at this point, they got first class seats to the painful demise for the possible both of us.

"Fara- Just...God! Calm down! You aren't yourself, just drop the equipment," Percy stepped closer, I stepped up as well, "Just please Fara, don't let this escalate. C'mon."

Percy held out hid hand for the scalpel when he was close enough, we were eye to eye. My eyebrows furrowed, staring at him with tear filled eyes. I couldn't tell if this was true care or malice. My hands trembled, I stared as the tears now streamed down my face. He took my hand, carefully taking the scalpel. There was a true tone of gentleness, I stared. I handed it over. My other palm opened up, the two IV needles slinking out of my flesh and dropping to the floor.

"Ohhh boy, sappy asses! She was supposed to END YOU! C'mon Fara, now you pull this? He's against you! Nobody cares about you, nobody will help out with that damn condition you have! NoBOD-Y!!" Anon was clearly showing through, I stared back with a fire in my eyes, true anger of the real intent. There was some unnecessary rage with this thing.

"That's the thing. The thing who told me all of this, I think we should actually turn that computer in for evidence if anything shows up. I swear I'm innocent, I'm so sorry Percy." That glare was still tear filled, full of regret. I couldn't stand seeing people hurt anymore, I hurt enough. It was painful with the prickling pain and feeling of blood streaming my palms.

After Percy helped the altercation, he walked over to the laptop raising an eyebrow at Anon, "You think theres one type of Grinertia apparently? Fara and I are a bit of a Grinertia gang, bold assumptions for a desktop pet."

Percy swiftly hit the power button, staring off as the screen cut to black.

An easy sign off, and a hopeful end to that computer who could've hurt others in the past.

What a horrible day for bastardized technology.

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