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Through the walk back to the campus we took at least some more precautions. Traffic signals were lifesavers I was dumb enough to consider and the whole damn time I had to keep this silly, mushy-gushy aura with pure excitement. Only a mere few hours before a party, before I can finally confess to Lain! But I felt more like a cheesy middle school kid and worried I may be labelled as that if I screw up even a little. But I could just keep myself distanced, I haven't even been to a party in my life. Being the stereotypical corner kid I've seen in movies was the only bet.

We approached our dorm after a detoured walk to at least explore. As I was going through the door, I forced myself to use any last bit of energy to just run and hop onto my cushioned bed and roll around like a whole fangirl. Percy shut the door behind him, going over to sit at the edge of his bed watching me with at least a bit of intrigue.

"So...? You really got something? The feelings really are real. What are you even so excited about today?"

I took a glance over, my blue eyes felt like that blinding sparkle was purely radiating at this point. Laser staring at everything with pure happiness and true feeling I replied as I hugged the pre-set pillow on my bed.
"Just y'know, casual things like a party at 9 P.M. tonight! Wait, it's like 7:30! I have to get ready, wait, hold on-" I frantically popped up to my feet and glanced around. I just realized when I at least get my other clothing classes would already be starting. Well, this is all I have, I don't have to dress for it...but I had to make a good first impression for her. I had to look good...or maybe personality was the only thing I needed. I huffed to myself, trying to pep talk myself. Just act cool, you know parties aren't that horrid.

"A party? I never knew you'd even try one, let alone in college level. Sure you'll be okay?" Percy sounded concerned, I turned around all peppy like it wasn't a huge deal. Even I thought it was a fun experience even with my plans of being a corner dweller for a whole thirty minutes or so. I would just hope someone will be corner dwelling as well. Just an average college party as an average mistake of genetically uninherited DNA. The thought of a party still got my hopes up to let me be at least popular. I didn't care if it was a small following, I still needed the group of support. The selfishness felt alright for once.

After some prepping to just really fix my hair and wash away the sleep depravity from the car ride earlier, I felt at least a bit ready and presentable. Same outfit, same stupid smile. I had to brush that angst and anxiety away for at least a night of interaction.

8:45 P.M. I took the trek with Percy who seemed concerned while I was just walking along like this was going to be the best party ever at this point. The building seemed to be packed to the point when I at least got a small view over to the place. Felt like something I didn't want to go into with all those heavy and bright lights, along with weird fog and literal people stumbling around at the front. It was only for me to see Lain at the moment, remembering I had to keep myself as a corner nomad. Percy just looked to the scene as we were finally close enough.

" sure you're going to be fine? I mean it's overwhelmingly stimulating even for me-" He would glance with a kind of decision. Fight or flight but to either enter a shitty party or stay at the dorm like nothing really would happen anyways tonight. It was the first day people are settling in, and a party already being here seemed like a norm anyway.

"Y'know what? I will be okay- It's almost 9 and..." I paused to slowly try and squint through a window and scan the surroundings, "Lain still isn't there. Can you at least hang out 'till she's here?"

Percy slowly drifted his eyes away to the scene again, "Sure, I can go in but if she doesn't get here at least in thirty minutes, we're both going to leave. For my sanity and yours, you know I worry."

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