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Rolling the butt of her spear on the ground, the daughter of Zeus gave a hard to look at the Empousai who stood in front of her, it was named Karen or Kristie or something. "What is your report?" she demands of the creature, she didn't trust these things but at least Percy wasn't around for one of those whores to try and seduce him away from her like that Hades spawn did.

"The Dissent among our lord's forces has been quieted…for now." Kelli, that was her name, stated "Lord Kronos' explanation of why the son of Poseidon isn't as big a threat as they imagined has calmed them for the time being."

"He is the son of Artemis." Thalia told the monster coldly, her spear hissing and crackling with lightning as she gave a cold blooded glare that didn't even face the monster before her. Her love hated being seen as the son of Poseidon and until he chose otherwise she would support that opinion.

"Oh? Was that not the deal the former King of Atlantis made with his father?" Kelli asked coyly "To have Perseus be made to accept his bloodline? And it is quite an impressive bloodline indeed." Kelli almost purred at the end as the temptress gave an exaggerated shiver of delight.

"Stay away from him you little harlot." She hissed, gripping her spear tightly as she pointed the crackling tip at the monster but she didn't kill Kelli like she wanted. As revolting as the Empousai were they still had their uses in this war.

"Oh, I won't approach him. Why he'll come to me I'm sure. I mean," Kelli ran her hands over her own figure with a sultry smirk "what man could resist an open invitation to this?"

"Finish…the…report." She growled out through gritted teeth, having to force herself to not turn the bitch to ash.

Shrugging with a lazy grin Kelli continued "Most of the invasion force is already in the labyrinth and prepared to move out. Right now we're just waiting for permission to pass through the arena as well as finding a way to get Ariadne's string either through a trade or just finding it and having it stolen."

"And Kronos?" she asked, the specifics of her question not needing to be said.

"He needs only a few more willing souls to pledge their allegiance before he may rise." Kelli gave a truly eager grin at that thought.

"And the ritual to allow the hosting process to be possible?" Thalia wanted this report finished and Kelli out of her sight.

"It was…difficult to find a stable entrance into Tartarus but lady Gaea has managed to awaken the spirit of the pit to an extent. She says he will be able to bring one person who is not bound to the pit into its depths and then send them out after the ritual as bathing in the part of the river that lies in Hades domain is too risky."

"Good. Now get out." Thalia spat at the vampire like wench.

"Oh you're much too uptight, you need to relax." Kelly grinned "Maybe you need to get laid? I'd recommend a certain green eyed hunter but we all know he doesn't want you when there are so many…better options available." With that Kelli laughed mockingly and left the room before Thalia's temper could break. It was a good thing too as less than a second after the Empousai passed through the door a lightning bolt charred its surface.

Panting angrily Thalia threw her spear at a wall, imbedding the weapon in the flagstone as she paced and thought about the best way to punish Kelli when the empousai's usefulness ceased to be. "Hmmm," she mused "King's often have concubines." She gave a truly dark smirk at where Kelli had once been "I'm sure if I asked him to be none too gentle she wouldn't enjoy herself. And this way I wouldn't have to worry about him wandering off if I'm unable to satisfy." Plan set she grinned and went to go find Pollux and Miranda, they were the only two in this hellhole who seemed to have any sense.

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