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"That boy was really able to rally them, wasn't he?" Quintus asked next to him as they observed the fortifications being built around the entrance to the Labyrinth.

"Of course he does," he snorted, remembering Percy's past actions at rallying the camp "that boy was born to be a leader. I just hope we can weather the storm ahead of us."

"I…is that them?" turning to where Quintus pointed he saw Percy, Nico, Bianca, and Amanda walking towards the group, all of them armed to the teeth.

Amanda had daggers on each leg along with two bandoleers of throwing knives. He saw a pouch at her waist with who knows what sort of deadly toys stuffed inside for the daughter of Hermes to use. Bianca had a stygian iron bow along a divine silver short sword and a bandoleer of some sort of small black orbs. He also noted she had a supply pouch, which he figured was full of trap making supplies, something he had heard from Artemis that the girl had recently taken an interest in. Nico had his usual stygian iron chains but also had a pair of gauntlets with spiked knuckles and a bandoleer of what he saw was Greek Fire. Finally, Percy had Riptide at his waist, a bow at his back, a spear in one hand, two bandoleers of some sort of vials on his chest, and on his belt were a small baton which he knew could become a kanabo as well as a set of stygian iron throwing knives.

"Olympus preserve whatever pisses them off." Quintus muttered with a shudder at the four armed and dangerous demigods.

"I'd think Olympus would rather see whatever pisses them off destroyed to be honest." He responded before walking over to the heroes. "Are you all ready?" he asked them, concerned despite the displays of power and skill he'd seen from this generation of heroes.

"We are Chiron," Perseus said with a nod "we'll stop the Titans from using the Labyrinth."

"Do you have a plan?" he asked them as they walked over to the entrance of the ancient maze.

"Daedalus." Bianca spoke up, "The Labyrinth is a soul construct and to still be around it would need its maker to still be alive. If we find Daedalus and get him on our side then we should be able to stop the Titans from using it to their advantage, maybe even use it to our own as well."

"Not to mention that if Kronos gained the allegiance of Daedalus then he'd have an entire army of Automatons at his disposal, ones that can think on their own and far surpass any other given that the man has had thousands of years to prefect his craft." He shuddered, hating the thought of the enemy with that kind of power.

"Luckily the Titans gained an ally which may prevent them from gaining the allegiance of Daedalus." Nico spoke up with a rather shark like smirk, "Remember what I told you during the war council? About Minos defecting? That man's spirit hates Daedalus with a passion and tried thousands of times to convince my father to have the Furies focus on only finding Daedalus, kill him in the most painful manner possible, and send him straight to Tartarus."

"I doubt that those two would be able to stay allied to the same force without it causing a massive blow up." Bianca finished, her smirk matching her brothers as he gave a nod, not noticing Quintus stiffen up at that part of their conversation.

"Well good luck young Heroes. Fight well and return home to us safely." He ordered as they all saluted him before descending into the darkness of the endless maze.

"You sure they'll be alright?" Quintus asked, the old swordsman walking over to stand next to him.

"I know they will." He said confidently as the camp resumed their work, "Those four are some of the greatest heroes of the age, quite possibly some of the greatest heroes I've ever seen."

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