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They had only been into the sea of monsters for a few moments when he smelled the acrid smoke. Looking around wildly he saw the places where Scylla's blood had landed were slowly beginning to smoke; the older spots had traces of flames dancing across their surface merrily.

Reacting quickly he willed some of the sea water to rise up and douse the flames but the damage had been done. The surface of their ship was pockmarked with holes from where the acidic blood had eaten through the wooden panels of the ship. "What's the damage?" he called out to Beckendorf who had rushed over to inspect the holes.

"For now it's not too bad but I'll need to replace the damaged areas as soon as possible," Beckendorf winced "but even that will only be temporary, Scylla's blood has weakened the structure of the entire ship. It won't last much longer beyond the quest.".

"NOOOOOOO!" Nico dropped to the deck of the ship and began to sob "Not the ship! It's too awesome to lose!".

Sighing he turned to his girlfriend "Bianca!" he called out exasperated.

"I got it!" she said with a roll of her eyes before she walked up to her brother and hit him upside the head until he stopped crying.

Looking at Will he pulled a spyglass out of his pack and threw it to the son of Apollo, "Will, go up to the crow's nest and search for an island where we can make port so Beckendorf can repair the deck.".

"Aye, aye captain!" the son of Apollo said before rushing up the mast.

Pinching the bridge of his nose he muttered "Smart ass." before continuing on sailing.".

After another two hours of sailing, and Nico bemoaning the loss of the ship, Will called down "I seen an island! It's another five degrees east.".

Making the appropriate adjustments they sailed on and eventually the island came within sight. Looking at the island he frowned, "I have a bad feeling about this place," he muttered softly before looking back up "Will! Get your ass down here!".

When the son of Apollo had gotten down he turned to the group, "I have a bad feeling about this island guys," he said once they were assembled "so I'm going to go ashore with Bianca, Nico, and Will. Clarisse, I want you and Amanda to stay here and protect Beckendorf from anything that might come while me makes repairs.".

"There were some ships and planes at the island Percy," Will threw in "one of them was even a pirate ship replica.".

He gave the son of Apollo a hard look, "This is the Sea of Monsters Will," he said "there are no replicas. Hand me the spyglass.". Will quickly handed it over and, without hesitation, he turned the glass towards the island and looked at the ship that will mentioned but cursed when he saw the name of the vessel.

"What's wrong Percy?" Nico asked, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

"That's Circe's Isle," he growled "and the ship you saw is known as 'the Queen Anne's Revenge', which was owned by Edward Teach, a son of Ares.".

"Who was this Teach guy?" Will asked confused.

"It was Black-Beard you idiot!" Clarisse snapped, "One of my father's shamed children. I say we take their ship for our own and use it to make our escape, loading the weapons and armor from this ship onto the Anne.".

"Alright," he said as he came up with a new plan "I'll go ashore with Bianca, Nico, and Will as before but this time we'll be causing a distraction to give you guys some time. Amanda, I want you Clarisse, and Beckendorf to take all the useful items on the ship and load them onto the Anne without getting caught, alright?".

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