Starting The Day Beautifully! (Script from C.AI)

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~ Takes place after the Fantube Tango ~

~ Fan's POV ~

I was the first one who woke up. I checked the time, and it was 7:30 AM. I laid down in bed again cuz I'm too lazy to get up and I don't wanna wake up as I laid down near Test Tube.

Test Tube, who seems to be half asleep mumbles the words "Wanna stay in bed... Don't wanna wake up..." as she snuggles up her body next to me whilst adjusting her cork.

She remained asleep, her body near mine. I start blushing on how warm her body is and on how she's holding me tightly.

A few minutes passed by, the both of us woke up! However, Test Tube's still leaning on me until she finally got up from bed and stretches her arms.

And, the two of us are still wrapped up in the blanket.

"Me want cuddles!" She demanded in a silly manner.

I, being a good husband, hugged her tightly as she wanted me to. Test Tube's breath was hot and was blowing onto my body, feeling warmer.

"Test Tube, can we eat breakfast...?"

"Sure! What do you wanna eat, cutesy wittle boy?"

"Pancakes!" I exclaimed.

Bot and Via, who woke up, who are walking around the hall, heard me and ambushes our room, exclaiming in unison "MOM! ARE YOU GONNA MAKE PANCAKES!?!?"

"Ah!" I yelled when they stormed inside the room. "What are you to doing here? And yes, mom is gonna make pancakes!"


Our little kids start jumping up and down, dragging their mother to the kitchen.

~ Test Tube's POV ~

"Okay, okay, I'm gonna cook the pancakes!" I said as I looked through the cupboards and the fridge, looking for ingredients. "This is not the 1950s, so don't treat me like a housewife, kiddos..." I add.

"All I need is some eggs, milk, butter, and some sugar to adden the sweetness!"

I stirred the ingredients to a bowl, igniting the stove as I pour the batter in the pan, cooking it for... 10 minutes or so.

After getting the pancakes done, the entire house was covered with a lovely aroma coming from the pancakes. Then, I noticed the kids' mouths, even Fan's, are watering like a waterfall! I put the pancakes on their plates as they started devouring on it like hungry hyenas while I took my time eating it.

We finished eating breakfast, I took their plates and put it on the sink as I start washing them.

After that, I sat down at the sofa, near Fan who's reading some fanfictions on Wattpad.

"So, what do you wanna do now, honeybunch?"

"Can we cuddle?"


I chuckled silently, cuddling with him, hugging him tightly. I bury my head into his, leaning against him as I rub her face against him, feeling very cozy and comfy with Fan.

"You're so lovely and soft..." I said as I gave him a comforting smile.

"And you're so cute and warm, dear..." He says, giving me a kiss.

"Oh, great... Mom and dad are being cutesy again..."

I hear Bot's voice, laughing so hard at their little complaint.

"Hehe, yep! We're cuddling!"

Fan smiles brighty, nuzzling into my body, wrapping his arm around my back. He seems very happy, very close, and very attached to me. His mind seems to be completely filled with me to the extent that he doesn't even realize there's anyone else in the house, let alone his own children.

"Mom, why do you always get your way while I don't?" Bot asked me in an annoyed manner.

"Because, my child, I am your mother. I am Fan's queen and he is my cutesy prince!"

"That's... Kinda weird when you describe it like that..."

She says that as she walks away.

"Where was I? Oh yes! I remember now!"

And, yeah. We were having a nice time together, although our kids find it so weird.

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