Hotel OJ With Test Tube

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- December 2nd -

- Test Tube's POV -

Like always, I'm just chilling with Lightbulb and Paintbrush as we talk about stuff.

"So, Paintbrush, just because you're released early doesn't mean you can be near Bot, okay? I have a restraining order against you." I said, warning that I will kill them if I caught them with Bot.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Pssh, I don't care. It's not like I'll do it with Bot."

Lightbulb leans towards me in a cute manner as she shows her phone to me. "Have you seen Fan and Via having a hunting trip?"

I looked at the post, and obviously I'm jealous.

"Aww, this is what happens when you had a divorce with your hubby wubby, Testy." She said, as if she's teasing me.

"Auntie, don't be mean to mommy!" Bot said, trying to defend me.

"Aww, sorry, Bot!" She says, kissing them in the head.

"Okay, that's cute!" I said.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Paintbrush asked.

"I'm thinking of sending a pastor by for you to repent for your sins!"

After saying that, I thought to myself "Maybe I'm the reason why both Lightbulb and Paintbrush can't differentiate right and wrong after making them as my subjects from the fun Experiment 21 thing... And I don't regret that!"

"Uhm... Mommy? Are you... Okay🥺?" Bot asks me, concerned for my weird facial expression.

"Of course I am, Bot!"

"Oh, okay😃!"

(I added the emojis to make Bot look cute)

- Knife's POV -

Pickle and I are walking around at the hallway, talking about Trophy being cringe and all. Until I saw Test Tube.

"...You know, Pickle, Trophy is the cring- Oh Gosh, why is Test Tube here!?" I yelled, getting PTSD from Case 34.

She smiled at me like some sort of homicidal psychopath. "Oh hi, Knifey Knifey! How's your day😊?"

I'm stammering and sweating so much... "Uhm... What do you want...?"

"Get out or you will regret being near me!" She joyfully said.

Pickle and I ran away as I was crying.

"That'll keep them away from my wrath."

- Paintbrush's POV -

I'm at bed with my nibing Bot (nibling is a term for non binary nephews and/or nieces) as I try to talk with them. (I'm a terrible auntcle...)

Test Tube saw me near them as she grabbed my wrists.


"Jeez, Test Tube! Why are you so overprotective to your child!?"

"Because I'm supposed to, duh!"

She then went to a pot of soup and put my hand in HOT SOUP.

I screamed in agony.

"Oh, shut up, you baby!"

"My hand is hot..."

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