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- December 7th -

- Fan's POV -

Recently, I took Via to school, as I took a week off, due to the anxiety I'm suffering from after Test Tube and I split up... I went back home, sat down on the sofa and just sat there... Nothing else...

My heart is... Empty inside... Without anyone willing to be with me all the time... And that hurts me...

I sobbed to myself on how pathetic I'm being... Without anyone, I feel hurt...

Until I realized... I have other people who can help me...

But, I thought to myself. "This is stupid... Calling someone only to comfort me feels... So weird..."

But, I didn't care... So, I didn't hesitate to text Knife.

[ - Knifey! - ]

(Hey, Knife?)>

<(Fan! How's it going?)

(Can you come by in my house for a while?)>

<(Why? Did something happen?)

(Sentimental reasons...)>

- Knife's POV -

As I went to Fan's house, I knocked because I know for a fact that Fan will panic if someone enters without knocking.

"Come in..." Fan weakly said.

I entered his house, seeing a miserable Fan who has tears flowing all over him. I sat beside him, rubbung his back with my arms, trying to comfort him.

"Hey, Fan... Whatever it is, express your feelings to me... I'll understand..."

He laid his head on me, as if I'm a pillow. "Well, Knife... Test Tube and I split up, right?"

"Go on?"

"And... Sniff It hurts my feelings when there's... Sniff Nobody to be with me all the time... It feels... So empty inside me whenever I'm... Alone..."

"I'm sorry, Fan... that you had to suffer from loneliness..." I said, hugging him tightly.

"Sniff ...Thanks for supporting me, Knife..."

He hugs me back as he starts crying on my shoulder.

"It's alright, Fan... Cry your tears out..."

I rub his head, making him feel comfortable.

"So uhm, do you want... Me to... Sleep with you...?"


"Y-yeah, that'd be nice..."

So, Fan and I hung out for a while, played some games together, and ate Taco for lunch.

"Feel better?" I ask.

"Mhm! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)"

I smiled at him on how endearing he is. "It's cute to see you happy!"

"Also, I need to pick up Via! You coming?"


- time skip, bcuz I'm too lazy -

- Via Lactea's POV -

Dad fetched me from school as I saw Knife.

"Dad, why is Knife here?"

"Well, Via I thought it-"

Knife paused my dad's reply as he said "Well, kid, your daddy feels uncomfortable without your mommy so I thought I'd be his daddy for a while."

Dad looked at him with a grimaced expression. "Why'd you say it like that?"

Knife shrugged, thought it was funny.

- at home -

"Okay, dad. I'm not hungry, so no need to cook dinner for me."


Those were his last words before Knife dragged him to their bedroom.

- Fan's POV -

As Knife took me to our bed, he folded me and then unfolded me as we cuddled in our bed.

"Do you like this?" Knife asked.


Knife then tickled me. "Coochie Coochie coo!"

I was laughing hysterically, begging him to stop. "H-hey! Haha! Stop it!"

"It's cute to see you struggle against me."

"Enough already!"

"Okay, okay, fine!"

We spooned for a while and then we fell asleep.

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