Chapter 41

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[Law's POV]

" The Winner is....NIGHTSHADE!"

She won! I knew she would!

I smirk at Clown's face, " Told ya."

He expresses his dismayed looks which shift to fear, probably the fact that his secretary or whatever is going to lose her limbs.

Y/N-ya raises her fist up and says, " Farewell, Bird-Cage! This is it from Nightshade."

The audience echoes in sorrow. She limps her way towards the exit with that bitch's face turned pale.

I walk downstairs to meet her. She raised her hand as she was catching her breath. Julius joins us, humming happily from his mask, especially with that fact that he's gaining a lot of money from the bets.

He hands me a bag filled with stacks of fresh notes, crisp new berries.

" That was an amazing fight! Nightshade, so, what do you think? wanna come back?" Julius asks her

I shoot a look of annoyance, she replies, " No Julius, I am retiring for real coz I'm a pirate."

" A Pirate?"

She nods, " I'm in Trafalgar's Crew. It's been too long since im down here, I want to have fun in the real world."

He sighs, " Very Well. Bet-God also said that."

He offers her a handshake, she shakes his hand slowly.

" Feel free to come back for any help, Nightshade and Trafalgar Law. I will support you guys in my best ability."

" Glad to make your acquaintance, Julius-ya." I shake his hand

He left and I see a fuming clown, " You won.."
" Yes, I did and now it's time to keep the deal."

He huffs, " Right, Right..Here's a eternal pose to Punk Hazard. It will help you to reach faster and...if it's fine, can we do the other condition of the bet there?"

I look towards her, she nods.

" I'm fine with that clown-ya, I will come over there in a few days." I tell him in my serious tone

" Okay, I will do the arrangements for you, see you."

He leaves as he muttered some words to himself. Probably he would be in some trouble with Joker. Good for me, It will be in my favor anyways.

I look towards her, still with her mask on, exhausted and trying to stand straight.

" I want to go back, Law-San." she whispers
" We are..and I'm proud of you. You did well." I whisper back

She taps my hand in response and we go towards  one of the secret passages that led to a cave in an empty island where the crew has set up a base.

We walk in silence, then climb up the rocks slowly. She was struggling and puffing with each step.

I offer my hand to help her climb up the final steps into the light. She took the first steps out of the cave and taps on the mask to take it out.

I make a mental note to do something to thank her for helping me so far.

==(POV Change)==


I won that fight. I was able to help him.

But she will lose her limbs. I never liked her but I can't help feeling sorry about it. 

The torturous punishments that they do with the losers, I experienced some as well in the past but this is perhaps the most severe thing that will happen for any punishment I know of.

We can't go back on it though, the contract has to be followed. It's the main rule of the underworld, otherwise it'll be troublesome for all the people that were involved in it.

I open my mask as we leave the cave and lower my legs. My body is exhausted and damaged from that intense fight. I see the clear night sky as I close my eyes for a moment.

Law-San leans towards me, " What do want now?"

" A break. Relax in my room, eat some food before going ahead."

" Anything else?"
" I don't know."

He sighs and calls Bepo.

Bepo rushes towards us, huffing and tugging the collar of his jumpsuit.

" Bestie, are you okay? How did you get so many injuries?" he speaks with a worried tone

" I'm fine. I want some rest."
" No, No. I will get some bandages."

Bepo carries me on his back as we go towards the camp. Law stays with the rest of the crew as I go back inside the sub to clean my wounds and dress them.

" What did you do to yourself? Who did this to you?" Bepo asks me as he passes me the cotton to clean off wounds

" I was in a fight for my life, and I won!"
" Why didn't captain help you?" Bepo makes a teary face while asking me

" It's a long story, Bestie, and you know how strong I am." I reply while flexing my arms

He smiles and wraps the bandage around my injuries. I change into my pyjamas and lie down on my bed.

Finally! I can rest.

By Your Side (Trafalgar Law X Y/N)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon