Chapter 38

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I have one week. One week to train with Law-San and beat the hell out of that snow bitch. The match is really important for the mission and I need to do everything possible to win it.

The crew has docked at this unhabited autumn island with warm colored leaves, small streams and various insects on the island.

The boys decide to set a camp on the northern part of the island and do some fishing to catch some fish for dinner. Bepo was looking after the log pose to lock on the magnetic force of the island before we chart for the next location.

The Engineering Team gave me some new gadgets and a new knife to use along with Nemesis.

It has a curved edge unlike the sharp and straight look of Nemesis. It's a darker blade and has a purple grip with a black gem at the hilt. It's slightly heavier than Nemesis, however, it doesn't hinder my movement.

I do have a name for this one. Nyx.

I give a twirl on the curved blade and perform a few basic moves.

" You got the hang of it, Y/N-ya." Law-San smirks while holding Kikoku

" Kind of. Anyways, what's the plan for today?"
" Fight me."

I tilt my head, " Fight you?"
" Yes, use all of your powers."

" Are you sure, Law-San?"
" I won't hold back either."

I keep my hands on my knives as he thrusts Kikoku right on my face. I block the attack by holding the blade between my knives and parry it. I swiftly move Nyx to attack Law-San.

He teleports away.

" Y/N-Ya, you're slow."

He hits my head with Kikoku's scabbard.

" Shadow Tendrils: Grip"

I release my shadow to grab his ankles, he dodges swiftly but his right foot got trapped in my shadow.

I make a claw gesture and fling my arm away and my shadow replicates the same action.


A rock floats towards me.

" Shadow Tendrils: Aegis"

I cover myself in a spherical shield and the rock crashes into it. Law-San lunges with his sword and I clash my knives in defence. We continue to exchange blows in rapid succession.

" You have improved a lot."

I nod in agreement and breakaway from him. I throw my knives in the air and use my shadow to catch them. I hold the shadow tendrils in my hands and start swinging them in his direction.

He blocks one of the knives with his sword but one of the knives rip his hoodie's sleeve. I bring the tendril back and throw it once again towards him.

He teleported away and brings his sword close to my neck.

" Nice try."

I smile and elbow on his chest. Then I kick hard on his face to push him back. His grip on Kikoku weakens and I rush towards him with a punch.

I apply haki on my fist and throw my punch towards his face.

" Room."

I land my punch on a tree. And it fell down.

Great Law-San. Now I have to look for you.

I sense his presence. Behind me.

" Y/N-ya."
" What?"
" Take This."

He tosses Kikoku in the air and his hand emits a green glow with specks around it.

"Gamma Knife."

He aims on my stomach and I feel my insides burning.

Damn. That hurts.

A familiar sensation is coming back, that protective instinct. I feel my powers unleashing itself. My shadow unleashes beyond my body, creating a layer above me as if it is taking a shape of an armour.

It slowly creeps over my face, leaving the eyes and mouth.

Law-San muttered something under his breath. I suddenly stand up on my own. His eyes widen.

I feel my skin stinging a bit. Is the wound healing on its own?

My hands are covered in black with a hint of purple at the fingertips. I see a similar hue over my legs.

What else is happening to me?

====(POV Change)====

[Law's POV]

That aura. Death like Presence.

But it's different this time.

She's covered in that Black-Purple armor, probably, her powers got triggered from the fight. Her eyes are shining brighter than before. The aura is becoming more stronger especially the pressure it releases.

I also sense that her armament haki is infusing with the shadow-armor.

" Y/N-ya..."

It's hard to speak for me. The pressure is strong.

How can I tell her to try to remove this armor by herself?

She can't hear my thoughts either I think. Wait!

Jimbei was talking about connecting thoughts and communicating with Observation Haki. He heard about it but he had no clue on how to do it.

Focus, Focus.

I need her to hear my thoughts.





I heard her voice.

Law-San, What are you doing?

You can hear me?
Yes..Kind of....I don't know what's going on? My powers are going out of control.

Y/N-ya, control it.
I can't, Law-San.

You have to, Y/N-ya...we have no other choice.

You have to master your powers to win that fight. Everything is at stake and...

I can't see you in that situation if you lose.

Getting her limbs off her body. I can't let her happen.

It's all my fault...I should have been there, not her. I always keep her in danger.

Don't say that.

My concentration starts to break as my observation haki starts to drain.

I see her moving her fingers and controlling her shadow. The armour starts to disappear, from her face to her limbs. 

She holds her head, her brows making a frown.

" Whatever that was, it took a lot of power from me. It seems that the backlash will start soon."

The backlash period. A side effect of exerting her powers. She used to experience sharp body pain for 24 hours and couldn't use her powers for 3 days, fortunately it reduced to a 36 hours, however the pain still stays for 8 hours.

" We should go back inside, before it starts."

We walk back in the Tang, towards her room. I check her forehead after she changed into her pyajamas.

" You have a fever."
" I will rest, Law-San. You should take some rest too."

She lies down on her bed, I cover her in the blanket and touch her forehead.

Her face wines in pain due to the backlash. I sit on the chair and hold her hand.

I am with you. Always.

By Your Side (Trafalgar Law X Y/N)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum