A New Nickname

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"Sexual misadventure" She raised an eyebrow

"Is the eyebrow necessary" He groaned

"Let's take a look" She put on gloves

"Shouldn't we be getting to surgery" He groaned gripping the bed

"I need to do a quick exam first" She walked over to him but he tightened his grip on the blanket

"Ben" Miranda looked at him

"I'm nervous okay" He took a deep breath

"Just breathe Ben" Miranda tried to soothe him

"So how did the injury happen" Catherine asked again "I need to know so I can treat you"

"Misadventure" Ben groaned

"We were having sex as you guessed. And then my husband said hey let's try something. We heard the pop and he hollered like he was dying so yeah misadventure" Miranda looked at him

"Will it work again" Ben asked "professionally asking"

"Benjamin just relax and let me do what I do" Catherine smiled
Catherine examined him and removed her gloves before turning to Richard "Book an OR and scrub in"

"Make sure the gallery is closed. I don't want the residents to see or anyone else in this hospital" Ben grabbed Richard's hand " Swear to me. They won't see"

"They won't now come on Ben" Miranda reassured him

"You can't come in he's your husband" Catherine looked at her

"I'm the chief" She crossed her arms

"And his wife so therefore you can't go in the OR. You know that Miranda"

"Argue about it later. My penis" Ben looked at his wife "I love you but you are holding us up"

"Fine, but take good care of him" Miranda sighed

"As in"Richard chimed in

"My husband, take care of my husband, Sir. The whole person" She glared at him

"Right" He cleared his throat
As they left for the OR. Miranda wandered back out into the ER.

"Chief I thought you were home today" Owen startled her

"What are you doing here" She smiled

"This is the ER. I am a trauma surgeon" He laughed

"Right. That's right" She nodded

"Everything okay" He asked

"Yeah" She looked around the ER "Just hanging around"

"Was your husband on that gurney" He pointed

"No why would you say that" She walked away and went to her office. She just wanted to enjoy a relaxing day off. She had plans to just catch up on her rest. But no her husband wanted to be frisky. Try new things. She told him to slow down. Did he listen? No, and now here they are. He has a penile fracture.
She lay on her couch and sighed. He was right no one in this hospital should know. Word travels fast. And after the booty call Bailey era she didn't need another nickname related to her sex life.
Eventually, she dozed off but Callie came and woke her up

"You broke his penis" Callie laughed

"Who told you that" She mumbled

"I will not reveal my sources" Callie smiled "You broke his penis"

"Is my husband out of surgery"

"Yeah he is" Callie kept smiling and staring at Miranda

"What are you looking at" Miranda rubbed her face

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