Your Origin

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Today was the day you left home. You were leaving Polestar Island. You didn't want to leave, but you had no choice. Your father was injured and couldn't work at a marine nor as a farmer anymore and your mother is too sick to work anytime soon.

You lived in a small town called Sere, it was about 1 week trip from Loguetown. It was a peaceful town, with some bandits or pirates causing a ruckus every now and then.

You and your mother lived on the far end of the town. This allowed your mother to grow a small farm (or large garden if you want to think about it that way) to make some money, while your father was away working as a marine. Your mother didn't want to bother him saying that what he makes isn't enough, so she worked herself.

You see, she got started getting ill from some unknown disease when you were just 2, and her medication is quite expensive. But at least with this mini farm you learned a lot about herbs. Like what kinds are good for you, and which ones are deadly.

But the medication didn't do much for your mom. By the time you turned 7, your mother had to be bedridden. Your father had to quit his job as a marine and come home to look over your mother, and you. You would help out your father with the farm, and in return your father would teach you how to fight.

That same year you got Coco, a Major Mitchell's Cockatoo. Your parents got her for you since you didn't get along with a lot of kids your age. You were too boyish or too scary to them. You never really minded, you were happy with just your parents.

Even after all these hardships and growing up poor, you had a happy childhood. You were the best in your class, and you had some good friends. One which had a small crush on you, but soon that crush grew as love as the years went on. Santiago was about a year older than you. But sadly for him, even on the day you left, you never thought of him as nothing more than a bother.

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Since the day you turned 15 you went around town looking for jobs to help out your parents. You tried a job as a waitress, but you were too clumsy and had an attitude towards rude customers which drove away other customers. So then you tried to be a maid, but you gave your boss some attitude when they were too bossy.

No one wanted to hire you after the rumors they heard. So your father said maybe you should wait until you're 17 to join the marines like he did. But you didn't like the idea of always following rules for the rest of your life. You wanted to be free. But you wouldn't go as far as to stoop down to a pirates level and become one. I mean, they are selfish and murderous people. They don't even deserve to be called human!

But for now you will stick to the farm.

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Well... that was the plan until a year later your father got seriously injured. He was fixing the house's roof when he fell off and landed on his back. Now he can't walk nor stand for too long.

You had to drop out of school to fully take over the farm. Your friends would help you out from time to time, but you knew that with the prices rising, the farm wouldn't bring enough money. You had to leave town and find a better job.

You told your parents that you would leave in two weeks. That you didn't care if they approved or not, but you would help them come out of this situation.

They of course didn't agree. Your father told you to wait 6 more months for you to turn 17 and go with the marines. But you reminded them that you don't have 6 months. By the 3rd month your mother would run out of medicine and you guys couldn't afford to buy more anytime soon. You told them to not tell anyone about your departure, that you weren't close to anyone anyways.

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Two weeks had passed. It was time to go. Your mother was happy to see you grow into a fine woman, and that you would get to explore the world at your own pace. But sad to see you go, and for a reason she wished so had more control over.

Your father still didn't agree with you, but he had no choice. You were right. He gave you 3 thousand berries for whatever you needed it for. He helped sent up your small ship.

It had two small cabins below deck which you turned into one big one. All your herbs were either above or below deck depending on their needs. You had your clothes, bed, weapons, and of course, Coco.

And your parents respect your wish of keeping your departure a secret. Even though they really wanted you to at least say goodbye to Santiago because they knew about his love for you. But that was for you to decide.

Before you left your mother gave you a big hug and said, "No matter where you are, no matter how lonely you feel, your father and I will always be there for you. We are just one call away." With that she handed you a small transponder snail.

"Thank you mom, I'll make sure to call you every day." You managed to say through your tears.

"I guess you aren't some little kid now. Remeber to always cover the face when you fight. And if the opponent is much larger than you, just use their own weight against them." Your father cried out.

And with that you left the one placed you called home.

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Santiago came to your house 3 days after you left. Your parents told them the situation, and asked for his forgiveness that they couldn't tell him earlier. The moment he heard you were gone he collapsed to the ground crying.

"No, no, no. She wouldn't leave just like that. Not in this dangerous world. Please tell me you're lying." Pleaded Santiago

"I'm sorry my boy, but I only say the truth." Replied your father.

Later that day Santiago went to the cliff you and him would always hang out at to look at the sunset.

"I promise y/n, that I will become a strong marine to bring you back home. I will make enough money to support not only you, but your parents too. So that you don't have to work anymore and worry about the next day. You will be able to stay home with our family. I PROMISE YOU THAT!" He cried out.

To be continued...

A/N: thank you for reading the first chapter of my first fanfic. If there are any grammar errors please point them out and I'll try to fix it. Just so you know, I will be changing some of the plots from the original story to better suit this story. Thanks for reading :)

Word Count: 1208

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