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Crystals p.o.v
It had been alest a year since nick and I called off the wedding. I hear he's with a new girl she's beautiful and he definitely deserves it after the trama that I had caused the poor boy. As for alex I haven't heard from him since. But what I know is that the Astros are getting better again i still watch them every once in a while but I know that if the universe really wanted us will find a way eventually. As for me I have been doing amazing at my new job. My patients have been so kind and the staff are so helpful. I was able to make new friends too at work lily and Jen. Today Is my turn to decorate the office theme for Christmas so I went to grab coffee before I go to the store. As i was about to turn the street some guy ran into me. " oh my gosh I'm so sorry" " here let me help you" he helped wipe some coffee off of me. But for some reason I feel like I've heard that voice before. I looked up and there he was still hasn't changed one bit same curly hair and same cheeky smile I grew up knowing. " Alex?" He looked up " crystal hey" " I didn't know you still came to this coffee shop" " yea we'll I wanted something warm before I get christmas decorations" he laughed lightly " well a girl I know showed me how to shop for the perfect decorations so maybe i can help" I laughed lightly " I'd like that" " but you owe me another coffee" " haha ofcourse". So maybe Alex is my person and nomater how many diffrent universes there are we were ment to meet each other and fall in love.

*a couple years later*
Two years after we saw eachother again we did indeed get married. And it was a beautiful garden wedding. It was pretty small though with just family and close friends. A few days after the wedding I found out I was also pregnant and Alex was so happy he wanted a boy and I wanted a girl and I was right it was a beautiful girl. She has my hazel eyes and Alex's curls. A year later I was pregnant again with another girl but this time she looks like me she has my dark straight hair and my hazel eyes. We still go to all of Alex's home games and a occasional away games. He was able to even get another world series win. But this time he got to spend it with me and his family and things were better than before and I couldn't have wanted anything more than what I have right now.

*Play song*

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