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*1 months later*


Crystals p.o.v
So allot had changed over a month. Me and nick are officially dating. He asked me out after a few dates  after the whole golf incident.  As for alex after the coffee date with we decided to stay friends and its been great actually i still go to some of his games and support him and we hang out every once in a while. And now here we are first day of December.

I woke up this morning and it was a little chilly in my apartment. I also noticed that my dog Oliver was cuddled on me and trying to get warm. So i pulled my blanket a-little and draped it over him too. I grabbed my phone from my night stand and noticed all the messages I received. As i was looking i see a text from Alex and nick.

Alex⚾️ :
" hey, since Christmas is around the corner can you help me decorate my place".

"I want to get more christmas decor since the only fesive thing i have is a tree and it doesn't even have ornaments just lights."

                                                  Crystal 🌻 :
   "We have been friends since college and you're finally wanting a more festive Christmas?"

"I think an extremely early Christmas miracle is happening"

Alex ⚾️:
" haha very funny I'll pick you up at 1"

After leaving alex on read I decided to get ready so i can do a quick exercise before going out for the day. And as i was getting ready i started to check on nicks text.

Nick 🤍
"Good Morning gorgeous  I'm really sorry but I'm gonna be at work today so i might not be able to answer but i love you have a good day. I love you 🤍"

                                                        Crystal 🤎
"I'm gonna go out with a friend today so I understand but have fun and  be careful. i love you too 🤎"

After i texted nick i closed the door of my apartment making sure to lock it. And take the elevator down to the gym in my apartment.
When i get to the gym I immediately started stretching about to play my workout playlist. Once i finished stretching i made my way to the treadmill and set it a low setting to start it off. By the time I finished i sat down on the bench and checked the time which was 11:30 which gave me a full two hours to get ready before alex comes by. I immediately take the elevator and once i got to my apartment i put more ice in my water bottle. Afterwards i hoped in the shower and got ready. By the time i finished i hear a knock at my door. " hey you look great you ready to go?" " yep lets go and thank you you look great too".

* skip car ride*

When we got to pottery barn we immediately started looking at the many different ornaments. " so you want like a red and white ornaments only?" " yea, they are really festive and atlest it reminds you of Christmas when we were kids and not something plain like yours and your all white Christmas decorations". " hey, its not all white its white and gold and besides im planning on changing it up next year so this year will be white and gold next year will be red and black. So its festive for your information." " i just can't believe you kept the deer  ornament i traded with you when we went to paint  ornaments for Christmas when we dated." He stated As
He found a bunch of red and white circle ornaments and puts them in the cart. " ok, since we got the circle ornaments time to get the ornaments that will stand out" " hey what about these i say as i showed him white snowflake shaped ornaments." "Those are nice but get the giant ones" alex says. After two hours of walking around the same store and picturing what the ornaments would look like on the tree. we even got a reef for his front door finally after finished getting everything and decided to go back to alex place to start decorating. 

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