Chapter 9

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Akutagawa's POV:

Todays the day I'm meeting up with Atsushi, and I didn't want to look like a reck so I quickly wore a nice casual outfit.

Not to shabby if I said so myself. But would Atsushi like it? Maybe I need to look cooler?

I fixed my hair a little more, and put on black gloves. And grabbed extra money, in case I needed it.

Finally satisfied I exited my room. I  guess Gin hasn't woken up yet?

I walked over to the table, grabbed a big white sheet of paper and wrote in black marker:

I went out with the jinko.
Because I have a day off.
Breakfast is in the fridge.

Once done I walked out the door and began the walk to our meeting place. Which we had decided to be a coffee shop, one away from the mafia and the ADA.

The walk wasn't to long and I entered the small shop. I had beaten Atsushi here, so i guess I'll go sit... Over there. I set my eyes on a spot in the corner.

Walked over and sat down. And waited, scrolling threw the texts we had sent the day prior.

I noticed he liked the cat emojis a lot. He sent the angry one a lot maybe because we're 'enemies'? At Least for now.

Atsushi's POV:

Shit shit shit shit shit! Im late! I slept in again! My alarm didn't go off! Gosh I'm so stupid! I ran iver to the coffee shop hoping that just maybe. I beat him.

But when I hurriedly swing open the door and after I quick glance I sighed. There he was scrolling on his phone on a table in the corner. Smirking to himself.

I walked over exhausted from my run. Why did we choose a place so far from where we lived? Next time I'll choose somewhere closer.

I sat down in the chair across from him, getting hus attention. Seeing me he placed his phone in his pocket and ... Smiled? 

"Your late, what took you so long?" He said.

"It was only..." I checked my phone. And gasped "28 minuets?!"

He seemed to find this amusing. I just shrugged and sank into my chair.

"I win once again... Atsushi" He smirked. Why is this so amusing to him?!

"Eh?" I gasped. I only thought he had saved it on his phone or something. I didn't think he could actually SAY it.

"Atsushi, im not dumb enough to now know your name after I already said it through text" He said leaning back.

"Whatever, also where did you get that outfit, it looks nice on you!" I complimented. It really did look nice. It was simple, but it suited him.

His cheeks turned slightly pink before coughing and hiding it.

"I don't remember."

"Aww, that sucks.. Hey maybe we could so shopping together someday! Wouldn't that be kinda fun? Naomi and yosano said its fun!" I said. I don't usually go shopping that often but maybe if Akutagawa went I would too.

"When would that be?"

"Hmm~ I don't know... But that boring talk. How was your day?" I asked.

"Well I just woke up, got dressed, put a note on the table, walked here, and looked at my phone"

"Dang your alarm works" I said.

"If yours doesn't you should get a new one then" He said raising a non existent eyebrow.

"Hm, later" I had to much work to do.

"What about now? I brought extra money" He said putting a hand in his pocket. And pulling out around 150$.

"Jeez do you mafia always carry so much money around?!" I mean am I wrong what psycho has that kind of money in their pocket.

"Nope. Just thought I would need it, I was right wasn't i?" He said putting it back.

"You shouldn't waste it." I said.

"Its not wasting I'd say for a friend (for now) it would be well spent, But lets eat first"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course"


I never expected him to be this nice. I guess that's one of the many things i like about him.

Akutagawa's POV:

Atsushi was so adorable. Like, really. Cute, adorable, pretty, beautiful. So so beautiful.

He talked about lots of random things. Topics switching from The ADA'S antics to raccoons.

But that was one of the many cute things about him. I sat there and listened and admired.

I hope that maybe one day in the future. We can have daily conversations like this. Eat together like this. To be with Atsushi.


A/N: Sorry Akutagawa & Atsushi is so out of character!!

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